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Book: The Bride Wore Size 12 (Meh...)

I'll start off with saying that I have previously read none of the other books by Meg Cabot. Not this series, not any other. Her name just sounded familiar and I could've seen this book somewhere.

According to her Wikipedia page, Meg Cabot is a well-known paranormal and romantic fiction writer...for teens and adults. By the first chapter, I knew this wasn't written for me, a single mother of 2 hormone-ravaged teenage boys who was listening to a LIVE Youtube jazz music track for work, stress relief and studying.

THAT's the problem with hitting the bookstores in a rush. I ran in and out within 8 minutes flat, grabbing and paying for whatever book cover that appealed to me at first glance.

I guess I was hoping for more of a mystery and crime thriller (or at least a comedic one) because the synopsis promised as much. I peeled open the first pages with the hope of something along the lines of not-exactly John Grisham, but at least Janet Evanovich.

But it got a 3.89 rating on GoodReads so, I kind of hoped that it would at least wriggle out a chuckle from me along the way.

It didn't. It's not for me.

The Bride Wore Size 12 - Meg Cabot

It's a young adult book about a former-famous singer who is running her last leg as a single woman dealing with a sudden (or maybe not so sudden if you've read other books from the same series) death of a student at her place of work. All the while trying to work the crime-solving into her wedding-planning schedule.

I'd give this a 2.8/5 and not a keeper. Not for me, anyway. If you have a young niece or are just young at heart and would like this book, hit me up.

In the meantime, can't wait for Chinese New year!


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