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Showing posts from October, 2020

Loud and Quiet

I'll just let this post speak for itself. This is one of those reminders I keep to myself. That those who are loudest may not be the strongest because in silence, there's the power of composure, calm observance and intelligent strength.  Never assume that loud is strong and quiet is weak Hope you had a good weekend! Note: The number of new Covid-19 cases in the state of Selangor is still not easing off. 😫

Music: No Longer Mine - Roy Kim (YouTube Video)

There's something about music that I don't think I will not love. When asked what kind of music I like or the kind of songs I like performing, I can't point to one.  All I know is that I love jazz but I can't pull it off. LOL. 🤣 It's sad but true.  I was watching 'Familiar Wife' on Netflix and completely fell in love with this song. I've got a new song with lyrics I barely understand. The meaning behind the song is really meaningful. The song may be sad but the movie is not (oops...spoiler?)