Plan a point that you have to know exactly when everything should fall into place.
In the past two weeks, I have mastered the art of working and cooking at the same time. No, I do not write in the kitchen and no, I don't have a fired-up rice cooker sitting next to my laptop. But hey, that's a nice idea, eh?
There's been some complaints about the food at the cafeteria which resulted in my attempt (a quite successful one so far) to produce enough food in a day for both lunch and dinner. And man, THAT takes a whole lot of planning, I can tell ya that!
I have to give a few high-fives to cook books, the internet, other moms on a similar quests to cook home-made meals for their family members, earnest shares from other moms/dads on Facebook groups, my phone (for the list....that LIST of things to make and ingredients to get, it's all there), my slow cooker, oven, air fryer, rice steamer....ok, you get it.
The whole idea is to either:-
1. Cook in batches
2. Freeze
3. Use a Timer
4. Slow cook almost everything
5. Recycle food intelligently
6. Get the kids to help
7. Cheat a's OK once in a while and nobody has to know that you can find some form of version of it on aisle number 7 in TESCO and you just modified it a ketchup.
With these 7 little ideas, I got it going for two weeks and I can't say it has been a breeze because it most certainly was not. But I think the key is planning ahead and always check the fridge if there is something you can use or play around with.
So far, that's the...
- mushroom sauce with spaghetti
- fried rice
- two massive sandwich with bacon, cheese, ham, egg and home-made chicken patties
- lasagna
- spaghetti
- beef, bacon and sausage pie
- uninspiring noodles
- Chinese sausage (cheater spotted), red beans and some steamed vegetables
- takeaway food from restaurants (another cheat spotted)
- Scrambled eggs with tomatoes with rice and luncheon meat (hehe...)
The journey continues. Anyway, it's Friday again, have a splendid weekend, people of the world!
Credit: Easy Lunch Boxes