I have been looking back quite a lot lately. Aging? perhaps. But i have been online for more than a decade and its scary the amount of information that i have put out there on the internet. Some of which i can never take back because systems have changed, companies have changed and basically i have lost control of those accounts. It is one of those things u agree to when u sign up for an account with blogger, wordpress, twitter, MySpace and all of that. You agree to lose control over your stuff.
Back in those days don't have Facebook and Twitter, u know. U get to connect with people from all around the world at your fingertips now. I didnt get that privilege since i was online since altavista days. (kudos if u know what is altavista)
So i am used to sharing myself online which makes me very trackable. I am an open system.
This doesn't mean that i like it that way. It scares me too but i like sharing. A friend thought that sharing even food photos was intimate. Haha. This i cannot agree with but to each his own.
I like sharing. Period.
So here i share some instagram pictures for those not on my twitter. Tomorrow is Sunday already!!!!! Don't know why weekends are so fast!!!!