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A Lesson in Appreciation

Guest post: Shala Hebets
My daughter adores the board book Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? She loves it so much that I read it to her every night, multiple times, and she never tires of it. In fact, she looks at it longingly when I put it back onto her bookcase prior to laying her in her crib at night. I'm always amazed by her concentration and interest in this colorful book, and I cherish seeing the light bulb of understanding that appears so magnificently across her face when she comprehends something.
My son does the same thing, but his concentration is followed by asking many, many questions. While there are days when I could do without the 20 questions or in his case 30 questions, I enjoy knowing that he is asking these questions with the goal of fully understanding the story. He is at that age where he truly wants to identify all the happenings around him, and as a result, he keeps me on my toes.
Watching my children learning, developing, and understanding the world that they live in is one of my greatest delights! It is fascinating, impressive, and exciting all at the same time. It makes me imagine all of their lives' possibilities. The possibilities of what they will become, what will inspire them, and what the world will look like when they're my age.
It is these quite times, snuggled in a soft chair reading a book or telling an imaginary story together, that I enjoy above all else. There is something so profoundly special about the opportunity to pensively witness your child's development. To silently see their imaginations blossom or and their perspectives deepen is truly a gift to observe. 

Perhaps, this is why I appreciate the quite times: In those peaceful minutes, I have a moment to breathe, listen and focus on the amazing transformations that my children are experiencing every day. It gives me a glimpse into their subconscious, a peek at their future, and a glance at their potential. It fills me with pride. It makes me remember and acknowledge how blessed I am to have these little miracles in my life. It gives me an instant to appreciate the many ways in which my children enrich me. It is a reward that I believe all parents can appreciate and understand. As one of our friends recently said, "Parenthood: what spectacular ride!" I couldn't agree more.


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