I don't know if it's just me or the rest of the world, wild hair on boys are just that....totally so wild and.....I LURVE IT!! :-)
OK, before you jump up, raise your hand and claim that it's all a Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen) thing, let me just clarify a little, OK? Although I would do anything to smooch Pattinson, it's not completely true that this is a new 'fad' for me. I'll roll the credits now and you'll see why.
Let's start from when I was a teenager.
This, my friends, is Joe McIntyre. When I was a teeny-bopper, I was Marsha McIntyre (apparently, the trend of changing your surname to match the superstar of your choice is still popular amongst the teens this days. Hah! Any Eric Jolie or Kenneth Knightley over here?). Joe McIntyre was the center of my Universe. I kept myself alive for this guy and I loved him because....(drumroll).....check out the dude's hair.
Yeah, what a mop, eh? Sexay!!!! hee hee hee.....
OK, so you think it's just an NKOTB thing....fine. But I am here to prove to you that it's not. Shortly after NKOTB died out, another mop-head hit my list of potential orgasm provider and that would be the mop from 21 Jump Street....yes, the one and only Johnny Depp.
So, I changed from Marsha McIntyre (as nice-sounding the name is, well....things change, you know) to Marsha Depp. Along the way, there were many other mop-heads I adored, but I just can't remember them right now. Old age....my memory fails me every now and then.
Check out the hair.....SEXAY!!! LOL
When the book series Twilight hit the shelves, I couldn't be bothered. When the movie was released and everyone kept going on and on and on and on and on about this vampire guy and how everyone is kissing the ground that Robert Pattinson (how boring the name sounds, really) walks on, I couldn't give two rat's a-- about it.
As usual, it's my sister who passes on her 'diseases' to me. She was hooked....BAD! All she had to do was to pass me one book, Twilight, the first book in the series of four, and she had me into it....hook, line and sinker.
What more, she encouraged me to GO WATCH THE MOVIE, YOU HAVE TO WATCH THE MOVIE NOW THAT YOU FINISHED THE WHOLE BOOK SERIES (4 books, mind you) IN 2 DAYS. That's a record for me.
I was in love with Edward Cullen then because....you don't get guys like this anymore...hang on, you don't get guys like this....EVER....in real life. They don't exist. But I was ever so willing to be Mrs. Cullen (shove aside, Bella) but not Robert Pattinson. He was kinda, frankly speaking, ghostly in there. I don't like guys with makeup and lipstick, thank you very much, until, of course.......
....pics like this one.
I mean....oh, COME ON! I don't want to sound like a hormonally imbalanced person but this is one face....and that is one mop of hair, don't you think???? Granted, he's not the conventional godlike beauty of a man but for your information, I love Orlando Bloom and I don't think he's all that manly and macho and whatchamacallit, you know. But there's something really enduring about him and about Robert Pattinson.
And I would gladly kiss those stuble. Generally speaking, hair on face is a no-go zone for me. But somehow....hair hair hair....sigh. I don't know where I am heading with this, honestly.
I mean, how can any hot-blooded female resist a face like that? His personality is quirky and funny and he's probably the kind of guy who would throw me off track when I think I've got everything under control and things sorted out.
Unpredictability. Interesting. SEXAY!!! :-)
The wild hair thing? Well, it's caught on and I think some stars are growing their hair out and the gel and mousse industry is making a very dramatic comeback. But sometimes, you've got to get it right because even if you've got the most gorgeous face in the world, if you've got the wrong hair, it won't work.
Yeah, Zac Efron....the face of everything perfect. Or not so perfect. This just goes to show that even when you've convinced yourself that a person is perfect, put a mop on him and out goes the Cannes Film Festival invitation, you know what I mean? Yeah, such is celeb world.
So, my advice to Zac Efron would be this.....
....lose the f***ing hair. You're spoiling my 'wild hair' dreams.
DEPP I had a problem with when the winona ryder thing and his emo personality came about. but he's gorgeous STILL. :-))))
PATTINSON, he's my dream boy for now. does it matter that he's only 24? who the f**k cares, right? dream only what?! hee hee hee....
yeah, let your imagination run wild. hee hee hee....