I love DIGI ads and I am not saying this because they're paying me BAGS OF CASH (Ppphhttthhhh...I wish!) but I have a feeling that I should've studied Mass Communication or Advertising because...Mass Comm is much more 'ME' than something like LAW. It took me four whole years of working in a bank to figure out that I like legal stuff as much as I like cute creatures like, you know...cockroaches, leeches....lizards. Yeah....
I wish Malaysia had more creative talent but then again, maybe we do but have been left untapped...as can clearly be seen from the ad below. I am deeply, ALWAYS, appreciative about people who try that much harder to make their commercials different. A commercial is an incredibly important part of branding and frankly speaking, with youtube and all those online video sites, you don't even need the television anymore.
And besides, you get all those RTM ads there. I hate RTM advertisements and 'commercial service advertisements' - and I am quite sure a lot of you are as well.
Fans of RTM ads, raise your hand! The 'quality' of the ads are so apparent that you have this urge to retch within the first few seconds of it coming on. In fact, I can instantly tell that it's one of those lame advertisements the moment the MUSIC comes on. No need to wait until the whole thing.....sad case.
Anyway, I always bum around in youtube for inspirational advertisements and it was merely per chance that I 'bumped' into a local advertisements. Albeit, it's a rather raw one but I thought the ad was really kewl in that you can see that the people who came up with it put a little bit more thought into it.
Click the ad and watch on....
What made this advertisement interesting is that it makes you wonder, that's number one. Number two, it's trying to deliver a very clear message and they keep you hanging on for the seconds that they have. Thirdly, it relates to everyone of us...and not some hogwash idea that someone cooked up in the toilet. Fourth, well...the guy in there is kinda cute. :-) (sorry, can't help it)
AND I hate the sound that comes on whenever something goes wrong with your PC....the 'twang' sound. THAT really kept me watching.... :-)
Mmmm.....never heard of www.easyrenew.com.my before this but I think deserves a check. Being the kepoh that I am, I went in a little bit, poked around and saw that they say that you can renew your car road tax within three minutes wor....I didn't know Malaysia got such a thing wan, you know. Gwai-Low countries, I've heard lah.....but if they have something here like this, it would definitely solve a lot of headache for me (and you) esp when dealing with those slow-motion folks behind the counter. :-)
I went in and check and viola! Actually very fast leh...maybe you can try too...
I have been doing this pose, part of Cosmic Dance (a type of yoga, I am assuming), called Stargazer pose without knowing it is called Stargazer's pose a lot in the past. You see, sometimes, I don't follow the rules and come up with my own stretches and poses. It is fun. I have on some music, nice, soothing music or just anything I can click on. Then I go with the flow, letting my hair down. Just moving to the music...and that is when I come up with the above Stargazer's pose. This pose really stretches your sides. Keep your eyes on the outstretched hand if you are keeping it pointed to the top, as if you are waving or connecting to a higher energy from the Universe. Your arms will ache a little but hey, toned arms, here you come! :-) For those who want a bigger stretch, it is safe to slowly and gently move the lifted hand towards your back...don't overdo it, listen to your body's complaints and respect it. You don't have to prove anything to anyone, reme...