This is something really weird and I just read it somewhere a couple of weeks back. I just can’t get my head around the statement. In essence, the statement said that all bloggers are narcissistic by nature.
Now, if you check the dictionary (or MS WORD) for the word narcissistic, it means vain, self-absorbed, selfish, conceited, egoistical, arrogant, etc.
I think there are many types of bloggers out there in the blogsphere. I’ve seen (read) some blogs by some younger bloggers who DO try to use their blogs for narcissistic purposes….like trying to launch their ownself as models, artistes, etc. They go through so much trouble to publicize themselves through their blogs with impressive pictures and videos of themselves that you’d have to wonder what their intentions are and how far they would go…how low they would stoop just to bring attention to themselves.
One fine example would be the battle between Singapore’s top two bitch-slapping duo…they’re two of the most renowned bloggers in Singapore….XiaXue and Dawn Yang. The snarling, finger-pointing, eye-poking and scratching got so bad that a law suit loomed. XiaXue, if I were to use my own definition, is the kind of blogger who would do anything and I mean ANYTHING to bring attention to herself GRANTED most of the stuff she blogs about surrounds her world, her life and her boyfriend(s). There’s nothing wrong with that because for most parts, XiaXue is rather honest and in-your-face about stuff…but sometimes, things get a little bold and crazy….and you wonder.
Dawn Yang, in the meantime, is a model who managed to launch herself as a….well, model through her blog. If you visit her blog, you would see that she’s got the face of a baby doll, very pretty. Dawn Yang is a pretty sentimental person who is, perhaps, a little trivial too. But all young girls are. But as XiaXue pointed out, Dawn’s beauty is not completely natural, if you catch the drift. While there’s nothing with that either but she has always projected herself as a naturally beautiful girl with an uncanny resembles to an Asian-ified Barbie Doll. And you wonder…..
I won’t join the bitch-slapping so I am going to stop writing about my personal stance on these two individuals. They’re narcissistic bloggers who are out to gain fame (maybe fortune, later on) through their blogs and they’ve successfully done so, to a certain extent. Maybe they will get a Hollywood deal wrapped up in the future…who knows?
But back to the issue of bloggers being narcissistic by nature. I don’t think so.
Many bloggers use their blogs as a form of outlet for their personal views on stuff and to update their friends and family about their life, kids, new recipes, places they’ve visited simply because it’s a very convenient way of publishing one’s feelings, thoughts and experiences so that others can share it with them.
Sure, after we’ve gained a footing in the blogsphere, we have an audience to…sort of….please, so, we have a little bit of entertaining stuff in there to SHARE with people who read the blog items. But in most cases, I would say 80% of bloggers are exactly opposite of narcissistic. They (we) are NOT attention-seeking vultures until the readers force us to be. Essentially, we’re there to share and as far as I can see, narcissistic is not about sharing but TAKING.
So, it really depends on the blogger him/herself…what is the blogger using his or her blog for. As you can see with Malaysia’s 2008 elections, bloggers unite and they care and share with each other so much that they can affect the whole nation.
It is my stand that bloggers are not….well, a major percentage of bloggers are NOT narcissistic and it’s unfair to wrap us all in a blanket of portrayal by calling us ALL narcissistic. You think not?
I have been doing this pose, part of Cosmic Dance (a type of yoga, I am assuming), called Stargazer pose without knowing it is called Stargazer's pose a lot in the past. You see, sometimes, I don't follow the rules and come up with my own stretches and poses. It is fun. I have on some music, nice, soothing music or just anything I can click on. Then I go with the flow, letting my hair down. Just moving to the music...and that is when I come up with the above Stargazer's pose. This pose really stretches your sides. Keep your eyes on the outstretched hand if you are keeping it pointed to the top, as if you are waving or connecting to a higher energy from the Universe. Your arms will ache a little but hey, toned arms, here you come! :-) For those who want a bigger stretch, it is safe to slowly and gently move the lifted hand towards your back...don't overdo it, listen to your body's complaints and respect it. You don't have to prove anything to anyone, reme...
But in the larger sense of it, I doubt we are all that arrogant and egoistical. Like you say, we can contribute to a greater cause when we come together...