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When will Mariah stop flashing her boobs????

Mariah used to be my favourite singer of all time because she's got this amazing gift in the form of a voice that can go ANYWHERE but why oh why is she so obssessed with flashing those enormous peaks of hers everywhere...and why is it that all her songs contain sexual innuendos....touch my body is one of them. I mean, I love the song, I love the tune, I love the beat but PLEASE, Mariah, PLEASE.....why can't you be decent for once?
I clicked to watch because I like the song and spent a couple of minutes crossing my fingers that she won't be flashing anything (FAT CHANCE!) in the video. But such luck. In fact, with a song like that, she goes even further over the top.
Where got people answer the door in this type of clothing wan?? Is she for real???
I mean, in this video, she calls a technician up to fix her computer and she answers the foor LIKE THAT??? Aish....
But the video was entertaining in a sense because the lam-chue-kok (male lead) is this geeky, absolutely funny bloke who looks like he REALLY wanted to devour her and 'touch my body'. And he was really, really funny and into it. That's the only thing that kept me watching till the end. Otherwise, I wouldn't have wasted my time on Carey's yet another cleavage-flaunting antics.


Anonymous said…
Whats wrong to show what she's got?
She has boobs...and proud of them..let her. Many girls are airport...wanna show also cannot.

I know of one girl who always wears miniskirts. She wears it like 7 days a week!:-O Honestly. She's got great legs...nice thighs..shapely calfs.

She's proud of her legs so wears miniskirts everyday.Cant stop her ma. It's her legs.

Mariah Carey is still the most successful female artiste of all time...second only to the legendary Beatles. Maybe this is her winning formula...combined with her fantastic Voice.

Marsha Maung said…
killer, I know she's got great boobs but it gets cheap, you know. A bit low class liao...and it's a waste when she's got a voice LIKE THAT. I swear, if she tones it down a little, she would still have the legion of female fans like MUA.
Anonymous said…
hi 'maung' a burmese name.just curious.
Anonymous said…
Mariah pls not listen to her..pls show more what u got la always....kakaka!

And myint i love to answer ur question...Maung is 100% burmese mari one! The land of Aung San Suu Kyi land....kakakakak!
Jamie said…
cuz, I am of the same opinion like you....her voice is Ichiban but i DON'T listen to them because of the bitchy way she presents herself...KNNCCB like fahai only!!

Got boobs flash them long dick oso can flash right? just go up to some people and pull the freaking ziper down..."hey motherfucker, look at my long dick"..pukiayam!!!
Marsha Maung said…
myint, so happens yes, Maung is a BUrmese name...and the problem is....? :-) Father got Burmese heritage. Born and bred in Malaisiya.

anonymous, sigh.....can't help it if people like you want to see cheap stuff. Like I said, some people prefer class, some people prefer cheap. I guess Mariah fits into the latter category...and much to the delight of guys/gals like you lor.... :-) For me, I don't want lah, thanks. I would take Regine Valezquez or Lea Salonga or Whiteney anytime. Even Britney also better (sometimes when she's sober)!

jamie, alright man!! Just the words I wanted to say but don't want to spoil image. Swear away, man. But the song nice lah...kinda catchy wor, so, I listen also. Regret looking at the video, though. Damn el-cheapo!!
Marsha Maung said…
Marsha Maung said…
the sad thing is that I like her new single 'Bye Bye' even more! :-( Why can't she be decent so that I can happily like her songs ah???

For the song, just log into her website and the song will play.

Awesome song.....
Anonymous said…
Hahahaha.. that guy is farnee, when he went, 'You''re... mariah... careeeeeyyyyyy....' and did that hand waving thing as he screeched!!!

I have Vision of Love in my phone, and BIG difference her voice then and now. Love that song.
Marsha Maung said…
kat, ya lor ya lor!!! I went crashing to the floor laughing when he did that. And he screeched like Mariah Carey was singing or something....with finger pointing in the air! I was like PUA HA HAHA HA HA!!

He deserves to get a movie deal for this.... :-)
Jamie said…
cuz, FYI, I don't even listen to her songs....waste of my time and effort....listening to a church choir belting out "Smooth Criminal" is much better...

again, stoooopid bitch, I hope her boobs will sag till they give the local municipal free road dust offs...KNN.
Anonymous said…
hi marsha.greatt im a burmese doc practising in malaysia for the past 10 years.nice to meet u.oh suu kyi...i heard she wasnt feeling well and she wasnt allowed to get 'proper' medical care.well what can i say,even with the new election coming in,its highly unlikely for things to change in burma.if your are interested in burmese politics, here r few great burmese blog sites - and also

have a nice day ya!
Marsha Maung said…
myint, nice to meet you too. The poor woman, hopefully, will get proper respect before she dies. She has sacrifised so much that if I were her, life wouldn't be worth living....

she has my complete respect....and sympathy
Terence Toh said…
Mariah, please please please show more boobs. Marsha i still support you, i think Mariah got a super duper voice and great boobs. Mariah please show more boobs please...
Marsha Maung said…
Terrence, PUA HA HA HA HA!!!

You are so sick sick sick!!!
Jamie said…
terence...u are a real arsehole sometimes...u wait till futsal day bro...I will make sure that u see boobies all around..kekekekeke

For the record, Mariah looks like a monkey or something that came out from Planet Of The Apes or pukiayam or something like that..

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