Although there are very few people who make comments in this blog, I know for a fact that quite a few people come in rather regularly (thanks to Google Analytics) but I didn't know how many EXACTLY and who they were. Google Analytics will only tell you where and when. Not who. And I don't really mind if people come in, read and then go off into the sunset holding hands with their girlfriends or boyfriends.
But for once ah, can I make a special request ah?
All you phantom visitors can please tell me who you are or not? I mean, it's better for me to know that you came by because you know why? So that I don't look like sohai (idiot) (Don't mean to be crude and rude but it rhymes with 'why') when we meet up.
Pa, you here? Ma?
Boy? (brother)
Girl? (sister)
Woi! Lei tei chut serng hou mow?
At least, make me guess lah, can? :-) It can't be alright with you guys so see me like this.....
I was kind of a little sad when I read the news about this - there will be no live-in Indonesian maids in Malaysia anymore . There are pros and cons to having a live-in maid, as with everything else, but for us, we enjoyed more pros than cons. Back then, when my kids were little, we brought in a family of maids to help with...well, just about everything, and we were like two families merged into one. They ate what we ate, we sleep, they sleep, we shop, they shop, they joke, we laugh, we joke, they laugh...for me, the maid I hired was more like a sister and side-kick to me. For that few years, I was dependent on her to mind-read my schedule and when I need or don't need help. She picked things up quickly and we ended up having lots of moments whereby we were in sync. Today, two of them are on my Facebook and we were gleefully chatting over Facebook Messenger since they've just discovered the wonders of the Internet and Social Media. Since we were more like partners in crim...
hope u happy lah now. Ur blog is my bedtime i come in and read abt ur life..hehehe!
nah, you guess.
-still anonymous-
BTW, blogger got password-protect function for posts or not ah??
And where is our photo you were supposed to send me ah??
Looks like my father, mother, sis and bro don't come here too often. I have to sms them to come in liao! :-)
At least your phantom visitors don't leave rude and crude comments.
is it stil raining at 3pm? o well.....