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Car trouble

Sent me car for repair the other day. Actually, I did not intend for it to be a major overhaul thing, you know. I wanted to change the tayar only (tires) because all botak (bald) liao. No, seriously. This is not the first time the mechanics laugh in my face when they looked at the tires. Literally like PUA HA HA HA HA kind. Not until one time the car skidded a little bit when it was raining did I really consider the consequences of driving around with not one, not two, not three BUT FOUR BALD TIRES!

Yes, folks. That’s how blur I am.

In fact, it took me seven months driving around with a conked out gear that wouldn’t change below third gear to get it repaired! Ya ya ya….laugh, laugh….LAUGH! Imagine every time there’s red light, I turn red also because the car would start moving at 3rd gear. I drove around like that for 7 months! Terror leh? Faster clap!

And then there’s the car shaking issue. I don’t know what is wrong with the bloody WAJA (Malaysian car) lah but it was shaking like nobody’s business! Did something to the timing and steering but it didn’t work. The previous mechanic rambled on and on about some sort of change or something, dunno what. All I know is that he sounded as if he wanted to overhaul my car. So, I chickened out and told myself…what’s a little shaking, right? Shake can drive, no need to change anything. The car moving….so all’s cool! Treat it like one of those OSIM belts lah….except this time, the shaking’s the whole body and the butt.

Whilst I will bear any kind of torture thrown my way but when it comes to the lives of my kids, cannot! no no. So, no choice but haul the car over the my father's mechanic and endured another round of laughing from the mechanics. “Wah, I’ve never seen anything like this before. A car driving around with FOUR BALD TIRES. Wah-lau eh…..either you’re daring or you’re stupid”. DARING…the answer. I'm paying you, you know. Remember that.

My father was there and he’s the ‘repair anything that is not right with the car’ kind. So, he got me to repair everything that was wrong with the car. The number of things wrong with my WAJA too many already lor. The car door cannot open, 3 of the power windows cannot wind up and down, the meter not working…..etc. Eeessshhhhh! Never ending lah. But at least, got the basics worked out.

The thing I hate about mechanics is this….they always find something wrong with every single part of the car wan when they get the chance to look under the hood. I try not to let them look beyond what I want them to look at. If the door is not working, look at the door only. But sometimes, unavoidable lah.


Anonymous said…
I just read your cousin's post about road worthiness.

Is this not applicable to cars as well? Do you not get your RW checked once a year?

It is true, sometimes we need to put our kids' safety before time and $$$.
Jamie said…
safety first darling cuz!!! always safety first!!

I was driving a WAJA before and sold it after 1.5 years.

Whole car shaking? A few causes for this:

1) bald tyres will result in uneveness which will in turn shake your car like mad. ( changing tyres, good alignment and balancing should solve this small problem ). Aligment and balancing cost RM 40-65 for 4 tyres depending on which type you choose. There are on wheel and off wheel balancing as well as computerized or non computerized form of alignment.

2)CV joint. The CV joint is coupled to the main transmission via the drive shaft and held together with ball bearings. Worn out CV joints will result in too much freeplay in your steering wheel and jarring sounds when going over potholes or uneven surfaces. Replace NEW, never 2nd hand!! cost about RM130 per side with additional RM20 for workmanship

3)Steering Column Union Joint: it's a universal bearing located at the base of the steering column. Old versions of WAJA has it but new versions use drive by wire technology. Loose Union Joints will transmit sounds and vibrations to the internal part of your car ( dashboard, A Pillar, Door frames, etc). Repair costs about RM80 pls workmanship.

4) Engine bush: there are 3 engine bush supporting your engine in the ratio of 2 and 1. The purpose of these bush is to absorb vibrations from the engine. Worn out bishes lose there absorbing properties, hence vibrations will 110% be transmitted to the internal part of your car.

There are a few more reasons for vibs and hypes to the internal part but its too long to write. Call me if you wanna know.

PLEASE REMEMBER TO CHANGE YOUR GEAR OIL at 60,000 km interval or your will be spending unecessary moolah fixing your auto gear box. A lot of people neglect this and thats why your car was stuck at 3rd gear for 7 freaking months cuz. KNN, you like that also can wan ar?
Jamie said…
forgot to add that engine bush cost about RM150 to RM 220 per piece depending on locations. Get the good onesand not Taiwanese crap. Workmanship will set you back about RM10-15 per piece and not more.
Anonymous said…
4 baldies? LOL
Anonymous said…
judy, yes, I know. will need to put kids' safety above all else! :-)

jamie, must have been a shocker for you, izzinit?

gallivanter, funny, right?
Anonymous said…
Well, paying extra for a cars maintenance is worth it, I mean it does ensure the driving safety of the car and it decreases the chance of having more breakdowns and accidents in the future.

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