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Showing posts from March, 2023

What I Miss

Sunset in Port Dickson It's been some time since I added anything new to this blog. So sad. Things have definitely changed by leaps and bounds since the pandemic hit us. Furthermore, my boys became adults during the pandemic and everyone now knows the difficulties and challenges of working from home.  Before that, it was just a bunch of us trying to convince the rest of the world that we're really working.  via GIPHY So, now I would like to spend some time reminiscing about what I general, not just post-pandemic.  Girly Stuff I have, for most of my life, tried to raise my boys (no girls in this family except for me - LOL) and at some points, I found it absolutely baffling when I could not understand men. I think it goes both ways when my woman-personality comes through and they're left 😟😂.  In exchange for raising men, I miss quite a few girly stuff. I miss painting my face and fingernails as cumbersome as I think they are. I miss talking to people about...