Source: cottonbro on Pexels I don’t even know where to begin, really. The last time I blogged here was early June when we (my siblings and I) were clearing out some old stuff cramping up inside of my parents’ loft. That felt like just yesterday but here we are…nearing the end of June 2020. Time doesn’t just fly. It is giving me whiplash. It’s strange, though, for me, because this was ( is ) the year my kids are supposed to be entering college, stepping into the new world, getting their driving licenses, flapping their kid-adult wings, flexing their human-ing muscles…whatever you call it. And yet, we’re still in partial lockdown. I have to say that Malaysia’s done an exceptional job (touch wood and more wood) so far in containing this virus. As frustrated and angry and PMS as we Malaysians can get about not being allowed to step out of the house and required to cover our faces like we’re robbers, we know it’s the right thing to do. Some of t...
Blog of a freelance writer, mother, performer, blog ghost writer based in Malaysia.