Most girls and women are vulnerable when it comes to new bags, shoes, clothes, jackets, make-up and the panacea of anti-aging solutions that line cosmetic counters in shopping malls. Me, I am a little different. I only go ape in a digital mall. My kids are known to, literally, physically drag me away with their palms over my eyes as I salivate over point-and-shoot cameras, computer accessories, Bluetooth speakers, earphones, smartphones, and laptops. One would think that I have a big paycheck or an expensive taste for things. No, I don't. The good thing about me is that I am typically a very Asian person with very cheap taste in things. If it's not a bargain, I won't go for it. Typically, my tipping point is always ' It's going to save your life !' as in it is going to make my life so much easier and cooler than EVER before. The things I often end up with, however, rarely change my life, per se. All they did were go through a short week of over-use and then ...
Blog of a freelance writer, mother, performer, blog ghost writer based in Malaysia.