I didn't really want to tell anyone I actually bought and read a Cyndi Lauper. People will instantly tag you as 'wooo wooo woooo' in their minds because Lauper isn't exactly the best singer around, she isn't the most elegant either. The last hit she had was like....a really long time ago so, why would I pick her 'memoir' (as some of you might scoff at). Her singing style sometimes induces headaches and fashion-wise, she is right up there with Lady Gaga (and she right off the bat says it like it is, she admits it). She is so different and way out there that you wonder 'Gosh, what was she thinking?!' And THAT...was why I bought the book. AND the fact that I accidentally heard 'Time after time' on the radio and thought to myself that this was one of my favorite karaoke songs to sing. I just want to know what goes on inside her head, for her to make such dramatic fashion decisions. Is she some kind of sick attention-grabbing person who is s...
Blog of a freelance writer, mother, performer, blog ghost writer based in Malaysia.