I must have felt particularly rich three years ago when walking in IT World because instead of purchasing my usual RM45 speakers, I went ahead and bought the above Edifier speakers for about RM350+ or something. To some of you, it's normal. But this is someone who thinks that paying RM75 for a nice dress is excessive. So, in general terms, people will call me an el-cheapo. Especially when it comes to electronics. Basic rule of thumb = if it works and is cheap, don't complain. But let's just say that three years later, my red Edifier MP300 is still solid as a rock! The speakers are so darn tiny and cute (the cute part was one of the reasons I bought it and it's maroon in colour, so, I was sold as hell) but the sound is absolutely solid. I recently though the Edifier died on me. I went and bought a RM75 speaker, put it on. Didn't like it and randomly checked the Edifier again. And you know what? I just blew RM75 on the new lousy speakers for nothing. CEH!!! ...
Blog of a freelance writer, mother, performer, blog ghost writer based in Malaysia.