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You Are Like a Diamond

Declaration: “I live out the DIAMOND principle” I live out the Diamond Principle. Inside of me, I am like a precious diamond. Like a diamond, I am unique because there are no other diamonds in this world exactly like me. In fact, there are no other diamonds in this world even 10% like me! I am, therefore, precious to the world. I have a sense of worth because I am unique. Like a diamond, I reflect light, I bring warmth to the people around me and color to the lives of people who appreciates me.
If each of us work hard every day to be appreciate life and the person who we truly are, we will all be living happier lives. You wouldn’t believe me, some time ago, I had a friend throw himself off the condo opposite my house. I was traumatized and lived in anxiety and fear for a long few months. The road to recovery was a very difficult one as I walk past where he died all the time. For many months after, I asked myself why but I got my answer after doing some soul-searching. He didn’t know himself! He didn’t like himself and he didn’t appreciate life….and that’s not my fault! It’s not my fault that he couldn’t find a way out. It’s not my fault that he found no beauty in life. I got over it. Here’s the funny thing, three months later (which means 31st December 2007), another person (a woman this time) leapt to her death within the same building! You must be thinking, “Wahlau-eh! That place is really suicide central or what? What kind of stressed out, depressed people are living there lah???” Those were my thoughts and questions as well. Thankfully, the second suicide did not affect me as much because I didn’t want to know where, when, why, how. I didn’t know the woman, therefore, I detached myself and went on. But WTF, I mean, all of us normal people paid hundreds of thousands of Ringgit for our properties here supposedly for its good location but bloody hell, why must they turn this place into suicide central? What kind of returns can we expect when we sell our property here? Worse yet, anyone want to buy or not? I think the people who took their own lives should have seen the quote I wrote above. APPRECIATE LIFE LAH!!!! LEAVE OUR PROPERTIES OUT OF THE PICTURE, PLEASE. (And it can’t be a nice job cleaning up ‘after’ you have done your deed!) Get a life if you’re depressed or feel stressed out. Change! Move out of it! Snap out of it! There’s a key to every closed door, it’s closed only if you don’t make an effort to find the key and choose the easier way out! Easier for you, harder for everyone else! There! I got it off my bloody chest! And stop committing suicide around my house, please! Friend or not friend, I also have to say lah….. It’s Friday…go party and be merry!


Anonymous said…
Oh gosh, only you Marsha can put a twist of humour into such a morbid subject. But that's exactly what it needs, really.

I think some of us (looks at self) do take things too seriously when the people around us go round the bend in one form of misfortune or another(suicide, break-up, divorce, miscarriage, etc.) --- the way you put it forces me to think and agree that, hey, this really isn't any of my business.

"Deal with your own life, instead of worrying about others'." We gotta take care about ourselves first before we're able to aid others, no?

But at the same time, it's not a road to Zero compassion. Showing love and care does bring the same in return, which is what we need along the way to discovering ourselves lah. Yes/No?
Marsha Maung said…
kenny, Of course I am ALL FOR love and caring for others. But caring and loving is a different thing from getting tangled in a web of confusion.

I know it's funny that I am capable of joking about YET another suicide. I am surprised with it myself but it's more out of....witless observation derived from trauma. Trust me, I didn't have a good time walking around a place my friend died. It's not going to be any fun walking around imagining how the corpse was, which limb was broken, was the brains spilling out, was his/her eyes closed....etc.

Gory? Yes! Indeed. To live in this sutation consistently for a few months, you learn to be angry! M*****-F****** angry. We're tortured because we're living here.

Then comes the realization and acceptance. When it happens again, you learn how to detach to yourself, protect yourself from the morbid situation, turn away and protect your heart and mental health.

You're right about caring about your own life, yourself, before worrying about others.

Loving and caring is something I reserve for those who wants to live. Not want to die.
Anonymous said…
LOL. I dunno what else I can say.

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