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Your Superpower

Gratefulness and thankfulness is a work in progress in everyone's life. I try to do it everyday, to be thankful that I am given another chance to do what I am doing today. 

But there was a time that I tried really hard to be thankful for the roof over my head. 

Despite being in a dire situation, I kept telling myself to be thankful, be grateful, don't be a brat, and enjoy it. It took some months after that for me to admit to myself the fact that it was a particularly rubbish part of my life. 

Every single day was a struggle. I tried to keep things real without losing the positive outlook that I usually look for. That glimmer, even if it is a tiny glisten off in the distance, that might keep me hanging onto the rope. 

But I've come to realize that it is just as important to realize that we're struggling and be thankful when we come out of it alive. 
"I am thankful for my struggle because without it, I would not have stumbled upon my strength"

"I am thankful for my struggle because without it, I would not have stumbled upon my strength"
Much of our lives are dependent on, not only our highs, but also our lows.

Like how this divorced mother blames her mother-in-law for her divorce, for raising her son to expect a submissive woman out of a larger-than-life one.
Ten years ago, I was scared I might find out I wasn’t good enough to be a professional writer. It wasn’t until I accepted that I might fall flat on my face that I was ready get serious about my writing. - I Just Turned 55 — Here Are 10 Life Lessons I Wish I’d Learned a Decade Ago - Laura McCamy, Thrive Global originally published in Business Insider
The above article is one of my latest favorite articles, read it, it's fun and sage.

Part of my thankfulness journey also saw me hogging things that I've collected along the way. Situations forced me to let go and when I did, it was like slowly being washed away further and further away from the first.

I am still not very good at letting things go and throwing things away, I tend to keep them...including resentment. They may not surface everyday but they're always a breath away. The layer of cover I've placed on top of them was made of very thin, exceptionally easily-shatterable glass.

We might be the first person up on the dance floor when our jam comes on but we must also be the first to step up and admit it when things are not working out. Only in admitting it are we able to combust it, get it out of the way because it doesn't positively serve us.
Facing up to the fragility of life can be scary. It can also be empowering - Life Is Fragile: Make Time for What Matters and Let Go of What Doesn’t - Carl Phillips, TinyBuddha

Being grateful involves being scared of the fragility of everything, having the ability to admit it and thrive despite it. Because, after that, that's your super power.

I am extremely grateful for having being pushed into a tight corner. I know how to push back even when I feel so small and insignificant and think I can't get out. I now know I can.

Learning new things is a part of the journey too and this could be the positive trait that I lost while trying to be the only adult in this family. Being too adult can make you lose sight of the brightness of your situation. Making mistakes it perfectly fine and I was conditioned to think of every single one of them as a flaw etched onto my forehead.

No, they're not.

And yes, you can. Mistakes don't define you forever. Make lots of them and learn.

And just for kicks, if you've not seen (or would like to see it again) Tom Holland busting out moves like a diva, here's a video for your weekend.

Happy Saturday, everyone!


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