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Food : The Potato Facto

As with many of my family members (possibly yours as well - lol), we think potatoes are great replacements for rice. I know rice is an Asian thing, we eat rice everyday and it's a staple that once you've missed, you can expect a phone call from your mother asking you if you've been skipping meals.

The other alternative would be bread...but you know what, 'health experts' don't have too many great things to say about bread either. Wheatgerm and organic or it shouldn't have happened.

I am the kind of girl who does not really like fastfood. For one, the guilt. Two, the knowledge of how they are handled and why they can be kept fresh for such an astonishing period of time. Four, I just don't like it very much. I'll eat it when I am absolutely starving to the point of dying. (Which happened recently) BUT...I will take the mashed potatoes. A big tub (we're talking about fastfood outlets like KFC or Wendy's, of course).

But here are some facts about potatoes that you might not have researched on:-

  1. There is more than 100 calories in one medium-sized potato. So, if you eat, let's say 3 potatoes, that's 300 hundred calories to burn, buddy
  2. Thankfully, if you don't add them to it yourself, there's literally no sodium or that cursed cholesterol. 
  3. It contains almost 50% of the vitamin C intake that you need everyday. (Wow, so did not know that)
  4. If you think bananas are a load of potassium, it seems that potatoes win in this showdown
  5. I don't know what it means but apparently, they're starch but they're resistant starch. Does that mean it's starch that won't go away ever? Like it'll stay on your thigh or belly forever? Oh God no. 
In many parts of the world, I think in Asian countries especially during poorer times, everyone eats potatoes if you can't find rice. That's why there's a Chinese saying that goes something along the lines of 'eat your potatoes if you've got nothing else better to eat'. Then again, it could have more to do with how and why Asians eat certain foods than merely eating rice like we'll die without it. Huffington Post compares Asian and Western eating habits could ALSO have something to do with this as well...
Wild potatoes still grow in some parts of the Americas, but it was introduced outside of that region only 400-500 years ago. It now dominates the world as the 4th largest food crop, and more than 1/3 of the world’s potatoes are actually now grown in China and India, where it represents an essential part of their cuisine, as well as the cuisine of many of their neighboring countries.
And as it turns out, there's a whole lot of benefits to eating these starch-filled fellas. (According to
These health benefits include their ability to improve digestion, reduce cholesterol levels, boost heart health, protect from polyps, prevent cancer, manage diabetes, strengthen the immune system, reduce signs of aging, protect the skin, increase circulation, reduce blood pressure, maintain fluid balance, reduce insomnia, and boost eye health.

I am biased when it comes to these mashed babies and it is almost always from Dave's Deli. If you're feeling a little craving for starch and would like try making it yourself, give it a shot. Here's a simple mashed potatoes recipe from AllRecipes and it looks easy enough (except for the mashing part - use 'em biceps, baby) because all you need, apart from the potatoes, are the basics like salt, pepper, milk, butter, etc. 

They don't give you the recipe for the sauce, too bad, but there's nothing this little buddy over here can't solve. 

I've used the granules as a solution to everything that seemed like they might need a bit of sauce, including this Steak Pork Ribs in Onion Sauce (

Eat away, peeps of the Universe, 
Earth feeds its Children (Sorry, being a little dramatic, please allow me)
Thank you, 


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