We all know what the ideal job is - the network marketer. =P The ones who works hard for like a year and then earn passive income. They travel the world, eat oysters and fresh lobsters. They have fine wine in the middle of the day knowing that dinner will be ready, table will be set and when they need to connect with their friends in another part of the world, the private jet is waiting.
But how is it, then, do I have the happiest security guard I have ever seen?
A security guard. This means, not much walking around, sitting there under the hot sun, screening visitors, inviting glares of 'how-dare-you's', 'do-I-look-like-a-thief-to-you' and the occasional 'you've-seen-me-before-you-DUMBASS'.
What the f does he have to smile all day? Is that a smirk?
But no, he's not smirkingand I don't smell alcohol from him either and I don't know what will happen if he's doing drugs oooommmgggggg, he smiles for no apparent reason. And I think that's a friggin' brilliant mind-set! I mean, if he hates his job, he's not showing it. What he displays is gratitude that he still has this stupid job as a security guard and I hope he is sending money home to his family, wherever he came from.
People tell you all the time - be positive. You're lucky. Be patient and grateful. There are lots of people who would love to have your 'problems'. It's all in the mind.
We hear them but we hardly see it. What we see (especially on Twitter and Facebook) are what we perceive to be 'fake happiness' (read: jealously-inducing happiness) and ohgodthenewsonTwitter (read: billions of USD and Donald Trump). That's why I love sharing pictures of puppies, babies and cats. They are happy for no apparent reason, sometimes. Isn't that a brilliant way of life? Let's stay babies forever.
But every time I see my security guard and his positive disposition, I have stopped asking myself 'why' because why not?!
Or maybe just have an ice-cream instead.
But how is it, then, do I have the happiest security guard I have ever seen?
A security guard. This means, not much walking around, sitting there under the hot sun, screening visitors, inviting glares of 'how-dare-you's', 'do-I-look-like-a-thief-to-you' and the occasional 'you've-seen-me-before-you-DUMBASS'.
What the f does he have to smile all day? Is that a smirk?
But no, he's not smirking
People tell you all the time - be positive. You're lucky. Be patient and grateful. There are lots of people who would love to have your 'problems'. It's all in the mind.
We hear them but we hardly see it. What we see (especially on Twitter and Facebook) are what we perceive to be 'fake happiness' (read: jealously-inducing happiness) and ohgodthenewsonTwitter (read: billions of USD and Donald Trump). That's why I love sharing pictures of puppies, babies and cats. They are happy for no apparent reason, sometimes. Isn't that a brilliant way of life? Let's stay babies forever.
But every time I see my security guard and his positive disposition, I have stopped asking myself 'why' because why not?!
Or maybe just have an ice-cream instead.