Found the following video from and thought it was...thought-provoking. Why is it so hard to love yourself? Someone asked her friends a quite unusual question and it seems as though it should be the simplest to answer but most of these women hesitated. "What do you really love about yourself?" We are always quick to point out things we dislike about ourselves and it can be a good thing, for self reflection, for improvement, for change and for a better way to live. But we should also spend some time loving ourselves and acknowledging it. But the sorry situation is that when we do, we are often thought of as selfish, narcissistic, arrogant, over-confident and maybe even obnoxious. So, we think:- Our nose is too big We are fat Always late Lousy cook Messy Too ugly Bad fashion sense Will suck at everything Is the worst mother on the planet Don't deserve luxury I just spent less than a minute to type out 10 of my own worst traits and it was...
Blog of a freelance writer, mother, performer, blog ghost writer based in Malaysia.