It's a bit of a bummer for us right now because Malaysia's kinda going through this Monsoon season which means nothing but rain, rain and rain. Yeah, we are a sunnier, more tropical version of London and Washington DC.
It's a bummer because I love going for a short evening walk, before dinner, with the kids at the neighborhood park. Calming, relaxing and sort of a way to get away for a while, immersed with the people, the trees, occasional stray dogs here and there and also with my headphones and Spotify on, I am really in my own world.
Just a couple of days ago, there was a short electrical blackout at the apartment and this was what we dredged out to play together.
It was a simple board game that I used to play with the kids when they were younger and it is really kinda fun to play with them now simply because....they are quicker to derive at conclusions and better at the game of deduction? LOL
So, it is no more 'Mommy wins all the time'.
I was also prompted to draw something and it asked me, 'What kind of Pokemon would you be if we lived in a Pokemon world'
Well, yeah. Kinda embarrassed about it but I would be a pink Pokemon with no power. Actually, the original idea was that I would be a pink Pokemon with the power to make people smile, no matter how angry they were and it would disarm them and their destructive powers would be rendered useless.
You should have witnessed the hoots coming from my boys. 'That's what a 4 year old would say and be, Mom!!' complete with Face Palms.
Whatever. I am 4 years old then. LOL. Don't care and who wants to grow up anyway. haha! I hope I don't get this kind of prompt again. It's embarrassing.
It's a bummer because I love going for a short evening walk, before dinner, with the kids at the neighborhood park. Calming, relaxing and sort of a way to get away for a while, immersed with the people, the trees, occasional stray dogs here and there and also with my headphones and Spotify on, I am really in my own world.
Just a couple of days ago, there was a short electrical blackout at the apartment and this was what we dredged out to play together.
It was a simple board game that I used to play with the kids when they were younger and it is really kinda fun to play with them now simply because....they are quicker to derive at conclusions and better at the game of deduction? LOL
So, it is no more 'Mommy wins all the time'.
I was also prompted to draw something and it asked me, 'What kind of Pokemon would you be if we lived in a Pokemon world'
Well, yeah. Kinda embarrassed about it but I would be a pink Pokemon with no power. Actually, the original idea was that I would be a pink Pokemon with the power to make people smile, no matter how angry they were and it would disarm them and their destructive powers would be rendered useless.
You should have witnessed the hoots coming from my boys. 'That's what a 4 year old would say and be, Mom!!' complete with Face Palms.
Whatever. I am 4 years old then. LOL. Don't care and who wants to grow up anyway. haha! I hope I don't get this kind of prompt again. It's embarrassing.