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Family Wisdom from The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari - Robin Sharma

Maybe it is because I skipped the first book that I wasn't familiar with the writing style and had no understanding, knowledge about who Julian was. I started out thinking that Catherine was the central character. For those of you who are in the same position as I was, Julian IS the monk who sold his Ferrari. The dude who was this magnificent magnet for money, handsome lawyer who wins hearts and clients like he was a Brad Pitt. Or George Clooney. Or Chow Yuen Fatt if you are into Chinese. Pick your own handsome, rich celeb.

Basically, Catherine is Julian's little sister, someone he left behind when he sold his mansion and Ferrari.

Like him, Catherine was undergoing a major life-changing event in her life and Julian thought he could come back to shed some light on some things for family life.

No surprise at all, before this 'incident', like Julian, Catherine is a high flying executive and business owner. Nothing in life is that easy. So, Julian came back to bring back some good ole balance.

Yup, that is the basis of the entire book.

Maybe I read a whole lot of Buddhist books every other day (because the books are free and I live near a temple which supplies me with them?) so, many of the things mentioned, situations explained and principles shared are no strangers to me. It got boring by the time I made it to the middle.

I hardly ever not finish reading a book that I start reading. There are very few exceptions maybe because books are expensive and I feel terrible for abandoning the story or author (because he/she spent much time writing that stuff up) and trees have been uprooted and cut up to make the paper that I am holding in my hands right now.

Did I stop? Nope. I didn't. Because there are so many quotes and principles that I know I can use as reminders in the book. I didn't like the 'story' because there really isn't a story in the book. It is just Julian being a super awesome human being and Catherine being a little thick.

Example: 'Real joy in life is like peeling back layers of an onion' - Julian. 'What?' - Catherine
Or: '*principle and making a whole lot of common sense' - Julian. 'So you're saying that the true purpose of life is to discover our true talents and special strengths?'

I had mental 'duhhhh????!!!' throughout the book. LOL

I love Robin Sharma and I follow him on Twitter and he is like this never-ending supplier of positive thoughts and thoughtful reminders. Sometimes, I get the tweets and I go 'That's right! Thanks for the reminder, Robin! Marsha, let's GOGOGO!'

So, yes, I had some trouble getting through it because of Catherine. She didn't have to be this dumb, did she? Or maybe there are people out there who are really like that, maybe, perhaps, I don't know? The book doesn't sell you religion, one thing's for sure but I think many of those logic, quotes and phrases are stuff that I expose myself to already, anyway, that I think it didn't really kick it for me.

I could be saying this right now but this book is a keeper because of one fact alone, there is a plethora of reminders in this one. All those quotes and sayings and teachings that I could use every now and again.

So, yeah, on to the next book, a lighter read this time.



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