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Observation of ex-Soldier's Suicide and Repentance

Referring to article from CNN

First off, the headline. 'Former soldier at center of murder of Iraqi family dies after suicide attempt' which is interesting because the former soldier, Steven Green, died of a 'suicide attempt'. So, in other words, his suicide attempt was a failure but he died anyway? So, he died not because of his own effort?

That aside, the article itself is a sad piece because of the sheer evil that it shows human beings are capable of. Rapes and murders are very unforgivable. If one was to place oneself in the shoes of family members and friends of the victims, you will know that the acts were not just cruel but it shows power. Uncontrolled and unbridled power of one human being over others. The lording of humankind that should never happen, much less in a war-torn country where fear is already pushing people past their limits.

On the other hand, it shows repentance. Steven Green is a man in a war zone and I believe when people are placed in such situations for a long period of time, it does things to their mind. Being a soldier, you are armed and dangerous, powerful and is in command. At any given time, you can destroy.

Steven Green was found guilty of raping and murdering a 14 year old Iraqi girl and then taking the lives of her parents and sister in a small town of Yusufiya near Baghdad in 2009. He deserves whatever came his way, I am sure you agree on this.

But what is saddening is his repentance after his conviction became a solid reality for this man.
I helped to destroy a family and end the lives of four of my fellow human beings, and I wish that I could take it back, but I cannot, you wish I was dead, and I do not hold that against you. If I was in your place, I am convinced beyond any doubt that I would feel the same way - Steven Green, public apology
Somehow, that tugs at the human heartstrings. It may not tug at yours but ask anyone who has done irreparable damage to others to look at the situation. It is irreversible. He cannot take it back, it is a done deal, over. No matter how many times he apologizes for it.

And such is human life. But everything happens for a reason, I think, and as a human being, I hope the victim's relatives and friends will find his death a form of 'justice' because to think of it otherwise will only make them even more miserable.

In the voice of Elsa of Frozen fame, maybe it is best that they let Steven Green go. Let him go.

Image credit: iStockPhoto


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