Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon may have taken a jab at people using #hashtags (it IS funny and all - LOLOLOLOLOLOL) but hashtags were primarily used for two purposes...and it worked.
- Eavesdropping - God, hastags is such a heaven sent when you spy on tweets that others are sending out but you are not following them. It really IS awesome. For instance, if you want to know something about a particular topic, you can use the hashtag and discover a world of tweets about them. And yes, to answer your question, I have used it to track people and tweet them without them having to follow me and me them. Totally. Cool. Using another account, of course...not my primary one. An account with like 2 followers with a Handler like @PuPPy790213 (Don't bother checking that out, I made it up....maybe not....I did....well....) =)
- Covering news - You can easily get up-to-date information from a group of people who are also using the #hastag like when the fire happened in San Diego, people decided to use #sandiegofire (duh...) to keep things together. Very useful.
But the funny thing about using # these days is that people are using it to explain a general topic. For Twitter, we are limited to 140 characters, right? So, sometimes we end up making really obscure statements and we are afraid that others won't be able to catch on so, we use a hashtag.
Feel so mad now cause she just went on to take my phone away without asking my permission like it was hers and all that...bla bla bla #motherssuck #gonnakillsomeone
Hashtags are also used for promotional purposes or to hype things up or to run a branding albeit a marketing campaign.
A good example would be Nike's #makeitcount and Dominos' #letsdolunch. They were all popularly picked up by their fans and used consistently by their target market.
Oh, I am so boring, right? LOL. Anyway, when the hashtag concept was first discussed, Twitter rejected the idea and now we have a long string of #popularhashtags used for multiple purposes....and of course, we have hashtags that actually mean #nothingtoabsolutelyanybody.
I love the hashtag idea....here's a drink to eavesdropping on conversations that I am not a part of.
Aaaaaaaaaaannnnnddddd.....here's the Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon video too if you have not seen it (where have you BEEN?!).
Have a blast this weekend,