So, GE13 is closing in on Malaysians. For non-Malaysians, this General Elections is a huge one and we are all quite excited about the possibilities that it might bring. However, on the other hand, we are also frightened about what might follow thereafter....whether the ruling coalition or the opposition wins.
Judging from the response, many are all hyped up about the possibility of a new government. We have been governed by the same government for over fifty years, isn't it time for a change? Even if it is only for a term of five years?
Anyway, I am big sissy and not much of a fighter or aggressor but like I said time and time again, I think we need to take smalls courageous steps in the right direction if we want to see ANY change at all. Malaysia, sadly, remains to be one of the most oppressed countries in the world.
I love peace and it would be with much regret if anything untoward happened after the elections but I think I need to do my part to help ensure that the possibility of a tainted election is brought down to bare minimum. Am I not afraid? What are you kidding me I am not? Of course I freaking am! The number of what ifs that runs through my head, the number of times I tried to convince myself not to do anything, the sheer number of times I found myself questioning 'why me because there are many others out there already let them do it'.
But every time those questions popped up, the answer was 'why not?' I am a Malaysian and if I love Malaysia and want to see a fair electoral process, I HAVE to do my part. Yes, our part for this possible game-changing election is for all of us, as MANY of us who have given up on Malaysia, to cast our maiden vote but is that all I can do?
So, I decided to register myself as a PACABA which stands for Polling Agents, Counting Agents and Barung Agents. These people's role is to watch the process to ensure that cheating is as close to impossible as possible.
Heck, something is wrong with the sentence above but who cares?
Counting Agents' role is....of course, to count the votes and if I am not mistaken, a Barung Agent is there to raise suspicion if any, before voters enter the voting booth. Polling Agents' role is to watch the clerks and help make voting as seamless and clean as possible for the party that I am doing it for or the party I am under. I am not a member of ANY political party, by the way. I was trained by one of them and therefore, will act for their benefit.
So, I got my Polling Agent guideline and sitting here thinking that I am going to freak out if something bad happened.
But is that enough to stop me from doing what I think I can contribute to the country? I don't think so. Geez, THAT sounds braver than what I am feeling.
I think after doing my part for the elections on Sunday, what I am going to do is to come home, pop a sleeping pill and then sleep till the next day so that I don't get all stressed out with the news. You know, with the internet and everything, hype can get very pretty shitty big.
See? I am hardly the Ironman kind of person.
Anyway, I may not be an Ironman nor am I a quick-witted, charming politician, but I am a mother of two kids who, if plans to migrate fail (HAHAHAHA - half-kidding, this joke), might have to inherit Malaysia from us. So yeah. Just going to have to do it the Nike way - Just (freaking) do it (and get it over with).
Judging from the response, many are all hyped up about the possibility of a new government. We have been governed by the same government for over fifty years, isn't it time for a change? Even if it is only for a term of five years?
Anyway, I am big sissy and not much of a fighter or aggressor but like I said time and time again, I think we need to take smalls courageous steps in the right direction if we want to see ANY change at all. Malaysia, sadly, remains to be one of the most oppressed countries in the world.
I love peace and it would be with much regret if anything untoward happened after the elections but I think I need to do my part to help ensure that the possibility of a tainted election is brought down to bare minimum. Am I not afraid? What are you kidding me I am not? Of course I freaking am! The number of what ifs that runs through my head, the number of times I tried to convince myself not to do anything, the sheer number of times I found myself questioning 'why me because there are many others out there already let them do it'.
But every time those questions popped up, the answer was 'why not?' I am a Malaysian and if I love Malaysia and want to see a fair electoral process, I HAVE to do my part. Yes, our part for this possible game-changing election is for all of us, as MANY of us who have given up on Malaysia, to cast our maiden vote but is that all I can do?
So, I decided to register myself as a PACABA which stands for Polling Agents, Counting Agents and Barung Agents. These people's role is to watch the process to ensure that cheating is as close to impossible as possible.
Heck, something is wrong with the sentence above but who cares?
Counting Agents' role is....of course, to count the votes and if I am not mistaken, a Barung Agent is there to raise suspicion if any, before voters enter the voting booth. Polling Agents' role is to watch the clerks and help make voting as seamless and clean as possible for the party that I am doing it for or the party I am under. I am not a member of ANY political party, by the way. I was trained by one of them and therefore, will act for their benefit.
So, I got my Polling Agent guideline and sitting here thinking that I am going to freak out if something bad happened.
But is that enough to stop me from doing what I think I can contribute to the country? I don't think so. Geez, THAT sounds braver than what I am feeling.
I think after doing my part for the elections on Sunday, what I am going to do is to come home, pop a sleeping pill and then sleep till the next day so that I don't get all stressed out with the news. You know, with the internet and everything, hype can get very pretty shitty big.
See? I am hardly the Ironman kind of person.
Anyway, I may not be an Ironman nor am I a quick-witted, charming politician, but I am a mother of two kids who, if plans to migrate fail (HAHAHAHA - half-kidding, this joke), might have to inherit Malaysia from us. So yeah. Just going to have to do it the Nike way - Just (freaking) do it (and get it over with).