suggested by It's Just Life--Finding the Extraordinary in the Ordinary
"How do you respond to negative comments--either on your blog or in real life?"
"How do you respond to negative comments--either on your blog or in real life?"
I have come to believe that you can't quite run away from negative comments, not when you are vocal and love to express yourself (such as mua) because like it or not, there are going to be people shaking their heads with their mouths all down-turned and all that saying 'No no no no....that's not it' all the time.
Suffice to say that my response to negative comments have changed much over time. When I was younger, I would get all upset, scream, huff and puff and throw my things around like a pre-pubescent, hate the world and then hide under my blankie. THE WORLD IS SO MEAN, I would cry.
Now....erm...things have most certainly turned around. I respond by not responding because you have your right to have a different opinion. When I was younger, I would do my best to convince you and bring you over to my side of the fence. Now, I will respect that opinion of yours and know...let's be cool about this.
Unless it is an attack. There are two ways that I deal with attacks.
1. If the attack is against my personal self - whatever. You can go beam yourself up, Scotty.
2. If the attack is against the people I love or helpless people, I will very calmly rearrange your face. And if I have the time, I might give you a complete body makeover.