It's been madcap all week long and considering the situation Malaysian politics is in, it has added stress....more than I want to admit, into my life. It just sucks. My client's also been upping the ante on me and knowing me, someone who does not know how to delegate too well, it piles up on my work plate.
The good thing is that I am now learning how to trust people to do their job. I don't have to hold my ideals as theirs. Sure, the writing that they do are...well, not as reader-friendly as I would prefer them to be but here's where 'I' come in. They can produce robotic stuff but I can edit them, right? The whole point is for them to help me research and find me information. And maybe put the words together in a non-embarrassingly stupid way. So, yes, I am now into delegating my work so that I don't pile on too much stress.
To counter the stress, I've developed the habit of doing my yoga in the morning. Oh, nothing lengthy and complicated. Just simple stretches that prepares the body for the onslaught of work is all. And on top of that, I've decided to take a picture of something I appreciate everyday. I'll post it if I have the time but these are the small changes that I am going to be doing.
Oh yes, I also relish the fact that I am pushing (myself) and the kids to exercise more during the weekends. Last week, we went hiking and oh, the complaints!!! LOL. But I survived them and so did the kids. We also went for badminton too. So, not so bad, eh?
Oh, for you out there who's been having spine and back problems, you might want to check out my all-new favorite pose, the Camel Pose. Don't ask me why it's called the CAMEL pose when it looks nothing like a camel. But it feels awesome, though, because I spend too much time sitting down in front of this computer. Try it and let me know how you feel afterwards.
Note: be gentle with yourself, don't injure your back or force the pose and bend forward and backward for a bit before attempting it if this is your first time.