Do you know why I love yoga? Some people unfairly label it as sissified sport - NOT FAIR. Try it (do it the right way) and you WILL experience the benefits.
One time, I told someone to try it and she said, 'Cannot lar, I am not that flexible. See, I can't even touch my toes. I don't enjoy it, yoga is not for me'. I wanted to point out that she started on the wrong note. That she didn't give yoga a chance, that she started out with the wrong expectations. She wanted to sweat it out and get the energy boost.
But no, yoga is not like that. Yoga is meant to force your mind to connect with your body.
When you hold that pose, your mind is battling with your body. Fighting a battle to give up, to see who wins. The body or the mind.
Body: PAIN!!!! GIVE UP!
Mind: Shut up. Breathe and STFU
Body: I can'tttttt!!!! Is 10 seconds over?
Mind: Shit, yeah. Is it over? Bend the legs a little, cheating might help.
Body: Ok! Good idea!
Mind: No, hold it. Just hold it.
Mind: Yes. Yes, you can.
Body: Really?
Mind: Yes, really. You can. Breathe.
*body breathing*
Body: You know what? You're right. Not moving is hard.
Mind: I'll stop expecting anything and you don't move. Deal?
Body: $%@$#*&%^%
When you practice that and apply it to everyday life, I think you will have better control over what your mind does to your body....or the other way around, actually. One cannot benefit or suffer without the other.
Have a pleasant Wednesday, people of the world. =)