I have friends who think they're really macho and strong. And they're not all men. Sometimes, I think it's a sickness (but I still love them for it!) Sick people make interesting friends. =) Kidding, kidding.
But the truth about strength is that...sometimes, it's about letting things go.
I'll give you very good examples. A man leaving his job.I know it's silly to do so in the face of the fact that he's got mortgages, kids, wife and maybe even having to feed and clothe his WorldVision sponsored child. But if it is not making him happy, is there a point. He's hanging in there and is depressed beyond ANYTHING he's ever imagined. He goes to sleep (if he sleeps at all) like a dying man and wakes up like a man with a dozen daggers in his heart. Is there a point to all of this? Where is the meaning of life?
We all know that we do things or stay in relationships or jobs or friendships because it serves us in a way. Sounds selfish but that's the way it works, right? Sometimes, we stay because we are too scared to leave. What....leave??? For the unknown? Good heavens, no way!!! But the job is not making you happy....is there a way out of this?
So he explores the business world. He throws ideas at everyone, desperate to find something, ANYTHING that works. The good thing is...he's trying. You can NEVER fault anyone for trying and I love it when people do that. To me, TRYING is a kind of FIGHTING. It is a sign that this person is ready to 'let go'.
Safety is actually an illusion because everyday, there is risk. There is a risk that we'll lose everything that we have right now. There is a risk that a hurricane will strike. There is a risk that your neighbor's got a bomb is his home and is a secret suicide bomber. There is a risk that the bank will go bust. There is a risk that you start the car up and the engine explodes....should I go on? =)
Safety is an illusion.
So, explore your options if you are not happy with your job. Don't stay in there because it is SAFE. It's not.
But please do share your opinion about this because it's all very subjective. I could think this way because I see the things that I do and don't see the things that you see. That's what makes you and me human. We're not always right.
Happy Saturday!!!
God, I love Saturdays!
But the truth about strength is that...sometimes, it's about letting things go.
I'll give you very good examples. A man leaving his job.I know it's silly to do so in the face of the fact that he's got mortgages, kids, wife and maybe even having to feed and clothe his WorldVision sponsored child. But if it is not making him happy, is there a point. He's hanging in there and is depressed beyond ANYTHING he's ever imagined. He goes to sleep (if he sleeps at all) like a dying man and wakes up like a man with a dozen daggers in his heart. Is there a point to all of this? Where is the meaning of life?
We all know that we do things or stay in relationships or jobs or friendships because it serves us in a way. Sounds selfish but that's the way it works, right? Sometimes, we stay because we are too scared to leave. What....leave??? For the unknown? Good heavens, no way!!! But the job is not making you happy....is there a way out of this?
So he explores the business world. He throws ideas at everyone, desperate to find something, ANYTHING that works. The good thing is...he's trying. You can NEVER fault anyone for trying and I love it when people do that. To me, TRYING is a kind of FIGHTING. It is a sign that this person is ready to 'let go'.
Safety is actually an illusion because everyday, there is risk. There is a risk that we'll lose everything that we have right now. There is a risk that a hurricane will strike. There is a risk that your neighbor's got a bomb is his home and is a secret suicide bomber. There is a risk that the bank will go bust. There is a risk that you start the car up and the engine explodes....should I go on? =)
Safety is an illusion.
So, explore your options if you are not happy with your job. Don't stay in there because it is SAFE. It's not.
But please do share your opinion about this because it's all very subjective. I could think this way because I see the things that I do and don't see the things that you see. That's what makes you and me human. We're not always right.
Happy Saturday!!!
God, I love Saturdays!