To me, it's very simple. Everyone's born with some kind of skill or talent. No one is born without one, not even when this person is a down syndrome child. But this means that everyone's got faults too.
So, on this Sunday whereby I am sitting here, trying to will Monday away and pulling out the batteries out of my clock so that Sunday won't end, I would like to just name the things that I am good at and then the things I suck at.
- I am so good at bullshitting and talking my way through shit situations that I earned a law degree completely because of this talent. Seriously. Not kidding. I think the lecturers who marked my papers were sorta clapping and woot-ing because I managed to make SOME sense out of all those laws even though it is not even remotely relevant. And they let me pass because I had to the cheek to write it all down.
- I am good at daydreaming.
- I am good at singing
- I am good at dancing (this talent deteriorated with age, unfortunately, due to knee-creaking disorder)
- I am good at writing (which is something like No.1 up there but this is filled with even MORE bullshit)
- I am good at learning new things (that makes money.
- I am good at compiling rubbish simply because I have an amazing ability to pretend that they don't exist
- I am good at pretending that the laundry will clear itself.
- I am good at not mopping and vacuuming the floor until I see hairballs everywhere
- I am good at reading till 3 in the morning and then waking up late the next day
Hey, I don't need a 'I am bad at' list already!
I am good at missing the whole point when writing a blog too. Hah! Beat THAT.
winnie, the there medication out there for this? hahaha