One great writer once told me that some people have it, some people don’t.
And then you have Larry Bird, one monstrous, awkward cement mixer in the middle of the basketball court. He should be just standing there and get paid, you know what I mean? He’s an OBSTACLE not a basketball player! And yet, he’s one of the most amazing players known to man. Apart from that lithe speed-of-light Jordan guy. Phew!!
Larry Bird who moves at a speed so slow, I could beat him to the net. I think…kinda hoping.
Anyway, the point is this; someone great once told me that some people have it, some don’t. The same goes for writing. You think?
The problem with most wannabes is this: they don’t know how to make everything come together as one nice piece of artwork. Like they KNOW how to write and put sentences together and stuff but when people read it….they go ‘And….the point is….let me read it again….er….oh, what the hell!’