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Bare A Boob Advertisement In Malaysia A Possibility?

The word is perplexed
Being in the marketing and advertising industry, I keep my eye out for almost everything commercial. I know it's a boring job, but someone's gotta do it!! Hence, it kinda irks me to see that the government of our country is a little tight on some front while lackadaisical on others. Quite an unfair thing if you asked me. 
I mean, I have a friend who works in a large tobacco company and he sometimes laments to me that advertising and marketing is ONE HELL OF JOB when you're working in a tobacco company in Malaysia. You're not allowed to do anything....period. Nothing. No pictures, no adverts, no online marketing...nada. Zilch. Huge big NO!!
I am not condoning anything here but you see, because I know why tobacco companies are not allowed to be advertise here. Of course, I do....I'm not eight.I know it's because smoking kills painfully and slowly. Whilst that is true, I think we should apply a blanket rule over other industries as well but this is not the case. 
So, here, the cigg companies can't advertise at all. Not only that. If they want to continue selling ciggs in Malaysia, they are forced to (no compromise) scare their consumers to hell and back with absolutely repulsive pictures of rotten organs, dead babies, red, scaly skin, cancer-eaten dead body parts, etc. 
Why not force other companies to do the same? You forbid them to advertise and force them to scare their customers off? Once again, while I don't condone anything, I think is just a little unfair. 
It's like telling people that reading is good but raising the price of books and magazines!
Movies: watching moves promotes sexual crime, obesity, violence and street gang activities
The cinemas here suck as well because....well, here, we have to give an ENORMOUS thank you to the hard-working people behind our censorship board. Some Westerners come here and to waste some time, they head to the cinema only to come out and say, 'Hey, you know what? We're gonna have to check that one out again when we go back to the States. The movie was choppier than a speed boat ride. I don't know what the hell went on back in there, man!'
There you go. 
And you know what I hear in my head? The gleeful (and evil) laughter of alcohol companies.....MUA HA HA HA HA HA!!! Think....Voldemort. Again.....MUA HA HA HA HA HA HA... (echo echo echo).....
These companies have absolutely no obstacle to climb over whenever they want to promote a new concoction and they have no boundaries to toe too...imagine that! It's so smooth-sailing that they might as well have been selling a modem....or a nail clipper. They can even use suggestive taglines, headers, such....refer below.....
...and not get into trouble. 
Alcohol: Makes one very obnoxious, promotes violence and overeaction, encourages sex with strangers, raises stats on teen (or adult pre-marital) pregnancies, halluciations, and sleep driving. 
Before I go, I would also like to say that I pity some large lingerie and undergarments companies here. I wonder how many hoops they have to hop through to get an advertisement out. Or.....imagine Victoria Secrets (I know, yum yum!) putting on a full page saucy advertisement in The Star. 
Lingerie: Promotes rape makes someone look sexy. What more can I say? FYI, a white t-shirt is considered sexy over here, alright? Don't say I didn't warn you! If you're raped and you were wearing a white t-shirt, dang it all to's your own bloody fault someone can see your bra strap, lady!
Glory be the day! And then...the men undergarments factory will follow along (drool drool!!!)
Oh. Where was I? Underwear, of course. Sorry, my imagination got the better of me....anyway, yeah. I wonder. 


Anonymous said…
feed a stray, bare a boob - hahahah!!!! once i was watching a french film at GSC and there was a sex scene in a dentist chair (ya, go figure) and the censorship guys forgot to snip it off, so the guy operating the projector used a piece of cardboard and held it over the couple the entire time they were doing it. we could hear EVERY SINGLE THING but could only see a big shadowy black square. omg. it was so stupid i couldn't believe it

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