Life is a whirlwind for a freelance mother...hang on, that doesn't sound right....a mother who is a freelancing writer....ah, that's much better! Sometimes, you're trying to hang on to a single thread of sanity while trying to beat the clock at its own game. The clock, in my personal opinion is not only my personal enemy, but it makes every second that passes me by a blur.
It's ten o'clock before it's supposed to be ten o'clock! And by the time you shower, it's time to sleep because you've got to wake the kids up for school tomorrow. There's also the consistent worry about whether the supply of shampoo has run out, whether you've missed a meeting with a teacher while trying to get your act together.
It's tough. Sometimes I wonder what was the main purpose of working from home was. I question myself and the answer always comes in a timely manner....
....laughter from the other room.
In the chaos of everyday life, laughter from the kids can be annoying. You're trying to concentrate or organize something and the kids are there...laughing their arses off about something. Sometimes, this is followed by crying, bickering or the ever-famous call for additional troops....Mmmoooooooooooooommmmmm!!!!!!
But yesterday, it was almost like their laughter hit me right where laughter is supposed to hit...the heart. The laughter reminded me of the reason behind me quitting a full-time so-called secure job and working my arse off day and night writing and writing and writing....for the chance to hear their laughter.
It was THEN that I realize the fact that many other mothers out there....what they wouldn't give to hear their kids' laughter day in day annoy or to give them joy, either way, they have very little chance to enjoy a simple thing like that.
And what am I complaining about, anyway? I am blessed.