So, you’re sitting there, twiddling your thumb….checking your empty stats for the hundredth time that day wondering…what in the world is going on? Aren’t people (and spiders) supposed to be clamoring all over themselves just to get to your website by now? You’ve submitted your website to all the search engines and directories…and it was tedious, so….now what?
Instantly high traffic? Sadly, this is not the case – will never be so, in case you did not get my drift. Search engine marketing and online promotion takes a lot of work but it’s THE CHEAPEST and MOST EFFECTIVE form of advertising. It’s free if you do everything from A to Z on your own, by the way, but most business people really have no time to learn the B to Y of internet marketing…and that, hee hee hee….leaves room for people like us, of course.
Today, a cousin of mine asked me a question and I’ve decided to be nice and share something with bloggers to help with their traffic.
How do you promote your website or free blog to search engines when you’re not in control over what’s going on in those codes? The ‘free’ part of using a free blog platform limits you in that way but there are things you can focus on to bring attention to your blog posts. And here are some.