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Yoga Ban Nonsense

I just can't take it anymore. I resisted the urge to comment or post a blog post about it because I don't, and don't feel the need to, want to touch politics on my blog. Furthermore, I have a lot of friends with certain religion and offending them is not something that I want to do. But this has gone too far! The Malaysian government has finally come out with their final verdict. Yoga is banned for people with certain religion. No, this is no joke. Yoga is banned because it promotes a religion and it started from India, hence, to the jokers, Yoga promotes Hinduism. I've been practicing Yoga for some time now and I still believe that NESCAFE is my god. And my second god is Facebook. Erm.....Carlsberg is also my god. Anyway, frankly, I don't know how these buggers come up with that logic lor... Listen, the word yoga is derived from Sanskrit words which means to join, or to bind one's spiritual and physical consciousness. Not G**, or Al***, or Bud*** or whatever. Yoga is all about balance, my friend. Most of us living in this modern stressful world will find lots of benefits by practicing Yoga - I should know because it has helped me tremendously through many difficult moments. By applying full concentration and focus on what's happening to your body, yoga helps an individual balance and harmonize the body and its reaction to what's happening around us. All those words like asanas, pranyamas, mudras, bandhas.....blah blah don't mean a thing whether you're a Mus***, Chri*****, Bud*****t or whatever, because when in deep meditation, you are in complete control of your mind and whatever enters in. If you imagine it to be G**, then it's G**. If you imagine it to be Al***, then it's Al***. If you imagine it to be your blanket, then it's your fooking blanket. If you imagine it to be a goat, then it's a goat. You get the message. When we go through the daily motions of LIVING, imbalances occur. Your boss screams at you, you feel imbalanced because of anger. Your boyfriend tells you the relationship is off, you feel imbalanced. You get drunk, you're imbalanced. By focusing on balancing your thoughts and body, you reap the overall benefits of BALANCE and HARMONY within. The point is, there's really no reason for the governmental body to get all jiggied up about yoga because it benefits people - musl*** included. Meditation is all about finding yourself within and if practiced regularly, it brings you peace and harmony and once you find that peaceful place from within yourself, your body will respond. Meditation is not about uniting a person with a PARTICULAR G**; it's about uniting yourself with WHATEVER G** it is that you believe in. The main purpose of practicing yoga is to help the human mind understand and believe that the physical body is merely a vehicle that we're using and the mind is the driver. The driver will get tired after driving for so long and is stressed out because there's traffic jam up there. When the driver is tired, how's the fler gonna drive, right? So, the body will become one-kind. When the driver feels rejuvenated, then can drive like F1 driver even if vehicle is Kancil. And furthermore, I find the breathing exercises absolutely a gem because it helped me tremendously through very difficult times!! BLOODY HELL! What is wrong with breathing, then? OK, just for the sake of explaining this to those who have never tried before, try this. When you get really hissed-up about something, close your eyes and start breathing VERY DEEPLY, hold it for four seconds and then release it. Do this for about five times and if you don't feel a fooking difference, call me! Breathing, in fact, is a form of cleansing. I feel that the FAT** council in Malaysia is a little insecure about their own hold on Mus**** and the religion. Yoga is a completely innocent form of exercise and mind relaxation technique; not a religion-based exercise. For them to place a ban on Yoga is very very stupid. Very stupid indeed. How selfish do you think these people strong-arm the Musl*** in Malaysia just because yoga is from India? To deny these Musl*** the benefits of a holistic treatment just because they're insecure about their control over the Musl*** in our country? And heylow!!!!! Don't they have anything else better to fucking do in the country apart from banning something so holistically beneficial to people from whatever fooking religion??? We pay tax for you to do things like this ah???????????? Really cannot tahan di...NIA-FOOKING-MA!!!


Anonymous said…
Comedy nation!
Marsha Maung said…
comedy? I think it's whole circus here! ridiculous!
blinka.Li said…
don't worry la, they banned smoking in public place but see the amount of people smoking, no saman oso! So banned this, what is the penalty? Jail ah? they just have nothing to do only...just to prove that they are me, so many of them drinks, go to pubs oso!! So?
Anonymous said…
yala...lets get out of malaysia and stay somewhere else...or go back where our granddaddy came from...
Marsha Maung said…
LongLiveBolehLand, sounds like a good idea! :-)

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