I was kind of a little sad when I read the news about this - there will be no live-in Indonesian maids in Malaysia anymore . There are pros and cons to having a live-in maid, as with everything else, but for us, we enjoyed more pros than cons. Back then, when my kids were little, we brought in a family of maids to help with...well, just about everything, and we were like two families merged into one. They ate what we ate, we sleep, they sleep, we shop, they shop, they joke, we laugh, we joke, they laugh...for me, the maid I hired was more like a sister and side-kick to me. For that few years, I was dependent on her to mind-read my schedule and when I need or don't need help. She picked things up quickly and we ended up having lots of moments whereby we were in sync. Today, two of them are on my Facebook and we were gleefully chatting over Facebook Messenger since they've just discovered the wonders of the Internet and Social Media. Since we were more like partners in crim...
There's a very fine line actually. Some intellectual people can be fun when debating with them. but once they start to be smug about it, i think we should just tell them off or something.
and sometimes, this is based on experience, these people know so much that they become manic about things....depressive bunch of people too.
As for me,I call it FATED..hey, if its your time to go, its your time to go..would you try to nego and would it work?
Just My Two Cents
As for those so called Mr/Mrs Know-All..they can kiss my arse for all I care
gallivanter, aiks!? that was eons ago leh! how do I fix it? if you're using google reader, all you have to do is to put www.marshamaung.blogspot.com and they fix the RSS feed for you...no meh?