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Blur or Blue?

In this fast-paced world that we live in today, we’re reeling ahead of ourselves in terms of knowledge, material gains, stress-overload, expectation of oneself, goal-reaching….and knowledge. You see, these days, you can find information about anything under the sun with the internet. I remember one time, I was so stressed out that I ran up Google and ran a search for throat ache and neck pain. I thought I had neck cancer. I thought I had thyroid problem (did a test, came out normal). Then I had these little dots on my leg and I thought I had skin cancer! Walamak…. I am not saying that we should all be blur-blur like me and know nothing but you know what? It’s crazy that a lot of people are struggling to stuff up their grey matter with as much information as possible. I think it’s fine if you want to google up why your poo is purple in color or want to learn to fix your fence but some people just go way beyond that….and it is disturbing. Indifference, my friends, is sometimes bliss. In my personal opinion, it’s OK to find out information through the Internet about things that you’re interested in…like how to draw or paint better. Or how to knit a scarf or how to prevent your plant from dying. But there are people who want to know why galactic formations are the way they are and when the world is going to end? Some people want to find out how to kill insects without ‘killing’ them, how to be a good person without hurting other people, why criminals get away with the things that they do, what is karma and does it really work, why coffee is coffee, why bread is bread, why pen is pen….etc. Too much knowledge can’t be a good thing, can it? Sometimes, I prefer to NOT KNOW about something that I couldn’t give two hoots about. I know of this person who is, like, a walking encyclopedia. He/she has probably read every single book about any topic the human mind can come up with. If you don’t know why it’s NOT raising during the raining season, you can give fler a call…he/she will know. If your kid is having diaper rash, his/her knowledge will help as well….right down to butt-massaging techniques that can help prevent future itchy episodes. I may be a little blur about some things but I am not blue about it. Personally, I’d rather be blur and blissful than knowledgeable yet insane.


Krista Goon said…
You are so right, Marsha. I prefer NOT to know sometimes. Like I read my horoscope at night so I can compare if it really predicted my day. I have a friend like that too. He's an irritating bugger. Knows everything under the sun and possibly under his blardy armpits too. Like his wife but hate him so I usually make an excuse to escape any lunch or dinner with him. Talking to him gives me a major headache. He's so smug I wanna slap him.
Marsha Maung said…
mayakirana, yup....and they tend to want to lean all over you and educate you as well. Sometimes, I think somethings are just better off know, left alone unless it affects us, right or not?

There's a very fine line actually. Some intellectual people can be fun when debating with them. but once they start to be smug about it, i think we should just tell them off or something.

and sometimes, this is based on experience, these people know so much that they become manic about things....depressive bunch of people too.
Jamie said…
sometimes its better to be it what you want, blur, indifference, not "F" care, irresponsible, etc. Everyone is just his/her self..nothing more, nothing less. Why bother and fret when one cannot do anything about certain things? might as well live and love life...

As for me,I call it FATED..hey, if its your time to go, its your time to go..would you try to nego and would it work?

Just My Two Cents

As for those so called Mr/Mrs Know-All..they can kiss my arse for all I care
Anonymous said…
I think there's a problem with your feed. I keep getting notified of new entries, except, the new entry does not appear in the RSS feed. Last entry in the feed is "2 Of My Childhood Dreamboats".
Marsha Maung said…
jamie, I don't believe in fate too much because I believe everyone is in full control of his or her own ship. But I DO AGREE with your statement "Why bother and fret when one cannot do anything about certain things? might as well live and love life..."! *high five*

gallivanter, aiks!? that was eons ago leh! how do I fix it? if you're using google reader, all you have to do is to put and they fix the RSS feed for meh?
Anonymous said…
Marsha - Try using Feedburner, and manage your RSS over there. :-)

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