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Planting the seeds of love

I’ve never been fond of plants before because I hate getting soil under my nails. Well, I guess, partly, my abhorrence towards these living things was fueled by the fact that all the plants that I touched died. It was surprising, even to me, when I decided to pick out three plants during a shopping spree in IKEA. Totally unlike me….. Then true enough, the plants started dying one by one even though I followed instructions closely. Which said, “No need for direct sunlight” so I kept it in a corner where it can get very little sunlight. “Water once a week” which I did also. But the thing is that within the first few days, the plants started showing signs of dying. KNN. What’d I do? No water, no sunlight and that’s exactly what I did, rite?
This dead plant outside my window....poor thing. Still there. Don't know how and where to 'bury' the fella. Days passed and slowly one plant bowed out. Then the other crumbled as well. Only one left standing….the hero of all heroes. This plant is something, man. Even with my not-much-sunlight and once-a-week watering, it survived. And you know what? Not only did it survive, the plant thrived!
One by one, new little babies started growing inside the pot. Then they sprouted leaves. Then grow some more….wow! I was flabbergasted, to say the least. Now, imagine this…I think I have to get a new pot for this baby of mind. I cannot bear to watch this one die because….somehow, you form a connection with the plant. I talk to it, you know. Stop laughing. It’s not a joke and it’s not funny. This plant is my new baby and it’s got a name too. Fellow bloggers and blog visitors, please meet my new baby. It’s name is Plant-issimo.
Hee hee….original-leh? :-)


Anonymous said…
Marsha, I was going to say, "Give me 5" but then later in your post shows that you have green fingers. :(

I hate gardening due to earthworms. Too scared that I might accidentally end up with one in my palm. Eeeww.

Well, congratulations for having Plant-issimo (??).
Marsha Maung said…
Oh, eeewwwww! earthworms!!! *shivering* seriously, i remember my uncle taking me fishing when I was young and I kept begging the fella to not 'kill' the earthworms by sticking them into those evil jaws of death aka hooks. he fed-up drive me home and never took me fishing ever again!

ask me dig or even look an earthworm in the face also cannot, man. I am sure you know how squeamish I am about that.

You should try something like this too, Judy. But if the plant die, I will cry, man. :-)
Jamie said…
plantissimo? hell of a kau name cuz....sounds like a Transformers thingy!!

the plant u have is for luck and wealth ( someone told me )...its does not need direct sunlight and only water it once a month...don't over water it or the roots will rot.

the thriving plantissimo should be bringing you lotsa of wealth, health and happiness...

All The Best kiddo..
Marsha Maung said…
eh, it's not supposed to be transformers lah. supposed to be like music or something, you know...pianissimo?? softly? gently? barely a whisper? lidat.

but who cares lah, rite? since it's gonna bring me loads of HEALTH, money and happiness!!

Yeah, I water very little only! I sked it die on me again. damn sad, you know, even when a plant dies.... sob sob
Anonymous said…
Eh, want me to get you a plant from here ah? I'm sure if can survive in the desert, can survive in your house kwa... :D

BTW, can you please email me the photo we took together during your burfday? Thanks!

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