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The Ultimate Reward For Performers and Singers

When you work hard, you get a salary at the end of the day and you feel happy and go splurge on your favorite activity. That's called a reward. That's what we work for. For the past two days, I have been reminded time and time again the reason why I love performing and what the reward is. In the past, when I perform for weddings, shows and dinners, I get remunerated....not much, I have to say, but it'll buy me a new dress, lunch and dinner for the day. After going through performance after performance, sometimes it becomes dull because you're singing the same song over and over again and there are other girls on stage fighting for the limelight (young singers who want to make it and hate it when an oldie like me go and grab the limelight) and you also don't get to sing the songs you want to sing. I realize that it takes the enjoyment out of performing live....and there's nothing I love more than just to sing and entertain the audience! Sometimes when I sing in pubs or dinners, people don't even clap or anything....aiya, got lah, that complimentary tap on the thigh to acknowledge that you sang, got lah. But not the kind of explosive applause that I need....that reward. With the 'reward' for performing removed and leaving only 'remuneration' in the picture, singing just isn't the same, you know. But on Sunday, during the music school concert, I sang songs that I was made to sing....musicals. I belted out 'My Favorite Things' from The Sound of Music and 'Rainbow Connection' from the Muppet Movie accompanied by piano and violinists. Everyone was taken aback and applauded appreciatively. My mother wished that she knew how to operate her cellphone better so that she could have recorded it. She called me again today, only 2 days later, to ask if the CD or DVD is out. *LOL* The owner of the grocery store opposite my house recorded my singing into her handphone and is playing it out while she's working *YIKES*. Parents I always talk to in music school while we're waiting for the kids to finish their classes call me and keeps congratulating me. My friend, Sam, keeps telling everyone that I sang so beautifully and yesterday night pushed me on stage with a Filipino band and asked me to sing. My nieces who have heard me singing so many times are bowled over and keeps telling their mom about my singing (I don't know what they say to their mother lah). Students and parents are asking the music school owner who was that 'lady' who sang during the concert. My kids couldn't be bothered since they hear me sing all the time. Sad case lah! But the point is this. On Sunday, I didn't get paid a single sen to fact, have to fork out money to buy clothes, drive around and also have to take care of the kids backstage some more! And yet, the reward was AMAZING! Much better than when I was singing professionally. Strange, isn't it? For the clown (performer) in me, I think I like to be rewarded with applause rather than with money. Till today, I am still being rewarded for singing two short WOW! That's what I call HHHHHIIIIIGGGHHHHHH......
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Anonymous said…
Marsha, yes, I know you're made to sing musicals! Your voice is absolutely immaculate singing these type of songs. Sing more and wow this part of the world!
Anonymous said…
YOu're happy..which is understandable coz there's no more competition unlike when you were with me and the killer girls.

Marsha..sadly...if you're expected to sing like this EVERYTIME free of charge for more kids' concerts...then the satisfaction also will be affected. Why? Because it'd be a chore to do that since they EXPECT you to sing free everytime they call you to.

It's like being used by the school. I have my professional principles...and performing free of charge is not one of matter what.

Anonymous said…
it's not the money, killer. it's not....believe it or not. singing is a passion for's something i am good (hopefully) at and gain a lot of satisfaction from. financial satisfaction is different from when you're just happy doing something for nothing.

sometimes, I believe it's OK to do things for nothing...and yet you feel absolutely elated with it. Like doing charity. The kids are happy. Entertainment, when you thik about it, is about the audience. the aim is to make the audience happy, rite or not?

but because we sing for money, a lot is lost along the way. I would like BOTH of course but with a lot more freedom. I know where my talents are and I am blessed with a lot of talents....I am ABSOLUTELY THANKFUL....and I would like to make use of them to the best of my ability. but not every one of them have to make my money.

this time, it's just a musical concert, I am also a piano student mah. all the students also sing for free, so, I am just doing my part also. not really doing something for free intentionally lor.

of course I also dont want to sing for free all the time....professionally, it's not right. I know. Like I can't be writing for all my friends for free. It's my bread and butter. But....dunno lah. Maybe I get to sing the songs that I love to sing then I dunno..... are you confusing me?????


but I understand where you're coming from, killer. believe me, I do.
Jamie said…
I like playing footy and snooker but there's no one to clap when I make a great play....does the self satisfaction count cuz?
Anonymous said…
There's no showbiz like showbiz.

When you do something well in the one will applaud. Unless you bring in millions to the co!

NO matter how well you do in yoru one will applaud.

BUt showbiz's totally different. When you do something good on stage...people will applaud in approval. All the recognition that is due to you is given because you did something good.

No other job has that. Can you think of any?

Anonymous said…
you're right about that killer. INDEED, there's no biz like showbiz!!! I think astronauts also get due our dear angkasawan leh?
Simple American said…
Hi Marsha. Where can I find a recording of you singing. Or better yet a video. :)

Joshua is cute for a scarey monster looking kind of guy. ;)
Anonymous said…
i wil work on that one. trying tp put my singing onto the internet. coming soon coming soon. soming coon soming coon. :-)

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