Don’t shut people out of your life if you feel sad. No one is an island. No one can survive being alone all the time. When you feel sad and lonely, give your friends a call. Or call your family…your sister, your mother, your dad, your cousin….they’re waiting for your call. When the pressure from living starts to seep into your system, allow yourself to feel sad and let the emotion run through your body like a wave that sweeps through your heart and your mind. Like water, the emotion needs a release and without an outlet, everything becomes distorted.
You’re only human. And human beings need to cry.
God did not invent tears for nothing. God invented us, mere mortals, with emotions. Sadness, anger is not to keep pent-up. Sadness is a negative emotion and it needs to get out. Give yourself the chance to let the tears flow unguarded whenever you feel the need to. When the negative feeling stays inside for too long, the damage may be irreversible. Some years down the road, you may not know how to cry anymore and you’ll feel yourself shut out from the rest of the world. That is when everything you look at is dark and somber even when it’s bright and sunny. Depression sets in and because you do not know how to let the negative feeling out, you start sinking deeper and deeper into a hole that, perhaps, one day, no one will be able to reach.
Depression kills. After experiencing a friend’s demise through such a horrifying method, life becomes clearer to me now. Not only am I allowed to cry, now I know that I am SUPPOSED to cry when I am sad.
Don’t feel ashamed to feel weak. All of us feel weak sometimes and that is why we have friends and family. Friends and family are like rocks…rocks for you to lean on, to call on, to cry on, and to act as an outlet of release. Weakness is not a weakness. In order to stand tall and remain strong, we need to acknowledge that sometimes we feel weak. Sometimes we are tired from the doldrums of life. Life is full of challenges, you see. Everyday, there are obstacles to climb. Like a race car, there needs to be pit stops. If a car need to make pit stops, so do you. What makes you think that you’re better than a race car?
Crying is not a weakness because it takes strength to show that you are weak and tired. Hiding and pretending things are perfect all the time can cause damage to your system. When you hold everything in and refuse to cry, you’re forcing the emotions in. Learn how to cry. Let it all out of your system. After a good cry when things are not going your way, you’ll feel much better. Everything’s poured out from your body and your system is injected with new vigor, new life, new energy, new fuel.
If you have forgotten how to cry, relearn the process. Stop holding everything back. Stop hiding and pretending that things are perfect when it’s not. Stop trying to show others that you’re made of steel or are stronger than you actually are. You’re human. Human. One fine day, when the sky is darker in your head than it is outside the window, open the door to your heart and let the feelings out. Yes, it sucks. Yes, life’s full of crap. Yes, you’re sad. Cry, then.
Cry like nobody is watching you.