When I was young, I thought I was indestructible. I thought I was the made of metal and that I can be better than anyone else on the planet if I want to. I thought that if I wanted to be the best kite-flyer in the world, I am sure I can. Such confidence…..
….it was never arrogance with me. I am never arrogant unless you put me into a cat fight with a drunk B***H. But whilst confidence is good, I feel that everyone should be reminded that they are not perfect as well.
I am not perfect. I can do lots of things….my maker has been kind to me. My maker is very fair. With gung-ho personality, impatience and low tolerance for laziness, I strove for everything I felt that I could do. And yet, along the way, I am disappointed, sometimes. I am not perfect. I CANNOT do a lot things.
I would like to share this with you.
Everyone has flaws and problems. I accept myself, my body, my imperfections and all. I fix those things I can and embrace those things that are outside of my control. I love and accept myself.
This came from a small little card collection I nipped from my brother-in-law printed for MOL.com. J Please don’t tell him. I am keeping it.
You know, it makes a difference, really….whether you realize that you’re not perfect or not. Whether it’s a passing statement in your mind or not. It makes a big difference. When you know you’re not perfect, you accept that others are not perfect as well. If you’re not perfect, why should you expect others to be? Hence, the acceptance.
When you accept that you and others around you are not perfect, you try to make up for their imperfections and vice versa. This is the way the world should work. We accept each other’s imperfections and try to fill in where our weaknesses cannot. Harmony.
So, when someone fails at something and causes you agony or bumps into your car’s rear….think….he’s not perfect. It was a mistake.
for me, its try the best I can and leave the rest to God/Fate..
Like what Linda Hamilton used to say "Fate Is What We Make" huh?
**Walks away in shame**