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I am not a robot

Being a freelance writer and mother at the same time is no joke. If you think being a career woman is hard, you're right. If you think being a full-time mother is hard, you're right again. Sometimes I have to remind myself that I am not a robot. The HWAITING spirit is good but maybe, perhaps, probably I am pushing myself too hard. When I am tired, when my body begs for rest...for s short sit-down, I refuse and tell myself, "Marsha, Hwaiting! Marsha, you can do it. Go go Go! Marsha never say die. No quitting....Go Go Go!" Until now, my battery koyak (goner), my engine also tak boleh pakai (cannot use anymore). Doctor say, "Marsha, slow down. Slow down. Your heart beat is very fast, your blood pressure is borderline liao! How old are you now? Aiyo!!! Get some rest for crissakes! Sit down. Stop rushing. Breathe properly" OK OK that my engine have to rely on medication to run properly, I listen now. No more rushing around. Time to management that rising stress level of mind with a level's gone ignored for far too long and my body is protesting loud and clear. I have to remind myself time and time again now...Marsha, you're a human being. You're not a robot. Relax. So, if you want to work from home and have come to my blog via my website, please heed my advice...learn from my mistake. Draw the line very clearly. There's you...then there's business. Both are equally important.


Anonymous said…
Marsha sayang...told you b4 many times in the early as the days you started singing with me...that you are still human...not superwoman!

Now only you begin to do something about it? Gotta wait til the Doctor say then only you 'kam-wan'??

Go for a massage, girl! seriously. Let your battered and sore body recover for 3 days doing nothing. It starts with a full body massage. I went to a blind massgae center today in Brickfileds. Did my body a whole world of good!

Jamie said…
cuz, do as what the doctor point stresing yourself until being on the verge of collapsed..nothing is what that. Let's face it, most of the people I know are under undue it from work, home or otherwise...thats a part of life that we cannot escape from ( thats why I always cherish my school days ). We have to learn to cope ( easier said than done ) and find ways to relax or release the built up pressure. Failure to do so will more than often result in dire consequences...FYI, I am also on medication for Hypertension...I hope that you won't join my club..

Anonymous said…
pembunuh, you were right but you know lah, I tot I damn terror mah. massage sounds like a good idea right now! looking for a chance to go for a holiday now. just to unwind all those wrecked nerves in my body. thanks, pembunuh!

jamie, sorry lah...too late. i also on medication for hypertension liao lor. you're right...have to place importance on sleep, good diet and rest/relax now.
Jamie said…
go and have more SEX...heard it helps...kekeke. Maybe its the lack of SEX that has the pressure building inside you..??

FYI, its confirm that lack of sex is not the cause of my hypertension...mine is too much sex...HAHAHAHAHA
Kak Teh said…
marsha - I know that so well and can sympathise with you. Lately I have been travelling a lot and came back just to change clothes in the suitcase - so penat! But at least my children all grown up. Not too bad but when they were small - I felt like crying all the time and yet I wanted to work.
Anonymous said…
jamie, SEX and DANCE. :-)

kak teh, wow, your comment means so much to me cause I also want to cry all the time! Not enough time to do all the things that I have to do properly! Feel bawling! So happy just to hear that I am not alone in this! Damn kesian journey leh....

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