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We Are Peaceful Brothers (2017) Series Review

Source: Link

First off, I am not familiar with this format. 4 mins per episode...what? Isn't the norm an hour per episode? Rough start. But I can tell you if you're looking for something lighthearted with a lot of bromance (like real-brothers-mance?) and some romance (with a female, not the BL thing that's so popular these days - I don't get it), this could be it. 

I've read about many people from the webtoon not liking the ending...erm...don't let me spoil it for you. But it kinda hinted at a follow-up which I suspect will never happen. But is it still worth watching? 

Absolutely. Why? Because it's simple. It's to-the-point. It's short. It won't take you much time to digest everything. 

It's an endearing story about brothers living together, their obvious personality differences, and big age gap. 

First of all, there's a bit of an age gap between the brothers. One's 26, the younger one is 18 and still in school. So, when he found something like this, he flipped a little. 

Why is our house?

What do you mean? Say it. What are those?

I've never seen anything done by Steve Noh before but he nailed his big brother role. He literally forced his younger brother to do everything...and into corners. Sometimes, the younger brother has no other choice but to report these incidences to his MOM. Baby brother vibe here, a little. Little brother was also forced to accept that the fact that life, with a big brother AND his girlfriend, is unfair and that could be his lot in life. LOL. 

I've seen almost everything done by Kim Min Gue except for Snowdrop (because I don't want to see him as a villain), so I am familiar with his acting and depiction. Props to his acting and voicing of little brother in this weird series. 

The funny thing is the dynamics. The elder brother calls him all sorts of nasty names and he responds, including "You fucking b-dog!"

The elder brother was deliberating a very heavy issue of trying attract a woman he fancied but a dog was barking its head off in a thunderstorm. So, he shouted at the dog outside the house, "You fucking SOB!!!" and the younger brother came running out of his room out of instinct. LOLOLOLOL

I've learned early on as a mom on tweens, they torture each other. I don't know how long this phase lasts but I think if they're close enough, maybe...FOREVER?

Both my boys play games and during their early years, I've seen them hiding curse-eye-glances at each other because one played badly in a game. Usually, I think it's my elder son because he's the non-competitive one. My younger son wants to WIN EVERYTHING if he puts his heart into it. 

Younger son is an all-or-nothing person, like me. 

10 minutes ago, it's almost 2am, I heard my 2 boys coming out of their rooms talking about some gaming stuff. So, it's real. Too close for comfort. But at least they were not trying to kill each other. (only when they were playing Plants vs Zombies many years ago).

"You suck!" "So, why are you hitting and blaming me?!"

So, when you're under such a situation, you might want to kill your brother. Even if it's just in a game. 

Younger bro resorted to imagining things & enjoying his creative imagination

Let's not be bashful about this...we're family. My kids had seen the worst of me, maybe...maybe not...but most probably. But this kind of scene is best kept between our closest alliances.

I know my boys are going to get their 'other halves' one way or the other but...I don't know what my reaction will be. I thought I would welcome new family members into the circle and stuff.

Who is this? Explain...

He went from a brother who despised him, cursed him, and took him for someone who had a woman in his arms. How do you think this is supposed to play out?

There are going to be changes in the house. 

Is this little series worth watching? I think so. It's cute. It's a little realistic and funny. The problem is that I think people who read the anime expected too much. Listen, anime and webtoon people, sometimes, we, live action people, like it a little

I don't want to get a lot of hate. If you loved the webtoon/anime, don't watch it (I think). But if you think creators should be allowed to create...and then it.

I was uncomfortable with the concept and format, but other than that, it was great fun. 

Thank you. 



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