Source: Bella The Brave on Unsplash In living the life of a Covid-19 Lockdown, it seems that the Internet is now not just a luxury. It's almost a necessity. 53% of Americans Say the Internet Has Been Essential During the COVID-19 Outbreak and a large number of people from the lower-income group are worried about the digital divide and digital homework gap. Whatever 'homework gap' means. We're now talking, working, doing homework, learning, watching, looking for references, read the news, shop, compare prices (...) all completely online. Honestly, I can't imagine life without it right now. I'll admit this much. Before this, I tune out of the internet. There are deep, dark moments when I feel like slamming my head onto my keyboard really hard and just chucking my smartphone out of the window, Instead, I settle for merely silencing it or just putting it out of sight. For some peace of mind, you know. This has earned me the ire of my family members ...
Blog of a freelance writer, mother, performer, blog ghost writer based in Malaysia.