We all have good days and we have bad ones. The past few days have been a balance of the two, more of the latter than usual.
I always try to start the day with it being a good day (not always successful, mind you) and most times, I have a pleasant day where I see everything through rose-tinted glasses. Where life is a smorgasbord of possibilities, fuzzy whimsical snowflake magic, and rainbow-colored skies.
Other days, not so much.
I always try to start the day with it being a good day (not always successful, mind you) and most times, I have a pleasant day where I see everything through rose-tinted glasses. Where life is a smorgasbord of possibilities, fuzzy whimsical snowflake magic, and rainbow-colored skies.
Other days, not so much.
While on the way to drop the kids off at their center, I was butt-kissed. In other words, through no fault of mine, someone slammed into the back of my car. Nothing serious happened, thank goodness and I was very relieved that damage to the car appears minimal. A veryyyyyyy slight dent and I think we can handle that kind of dent.
The woman even had to chase me down on the road to ask me if there was anything wrong with my car because it sounded loud when she slammed into me. To cut a long story short, I thought I was hit by another car from the front and almost gave chase. Mistaken identity.
I let it slide when she asked if I wanted to look into it because it didn't look like a biggie from the outside.
Apparently, as I have discovered today, it IS a biggie.
The boot of the car won't close properly now and it has to undergo a car-surgery which might leave a little bit of a mark on the car. AND a dent to my wallet. I...should...have...asked...her...to leave me her friggin' number. I even asked for it, took a look at the miniature dent on the booth and said, 'You know what? It's probably nothing much. Shall we just go about our day?'
I will live to regret this but you know what? For all the blessings that I have received, I guess life is trying to balance it out with a little bit of bad luck.
No, I am not a millionaire...not THAT kind of good luck, but I consider a lot of things good luck, really. I am a simple gal. Food in the fridge is good luck, having a job is good luck, my kids giving me free hugs every day is good luck, new shoes are good luck, not running out of ink while printing a booklet is good luck. I'm simple that way.
Maybe too simple. And stupid. I concur.
I need to de-stress this weekend.
You'll find me in my bed with a good book,
The woman even had to chase me down on the road to ask me if there was anything wrong with my car because it sounded loud when she slammed into me. To cut a long story short, I thought I was hit by another car from the front and almost gave chase. Mistaken identity.
I let it slide when she asked if I wanted to look into it because it didn't look like a biggie from the outside.
Apparently, as I have discovered today, it IS a biggie.
The boot of the car won't close properly now and it has to undergo a car-surgery which might leave a little bit of a mark on the car. AND a dent to my wallet. I...should...have...asked...her...to leave me her friggin' number. I even asked for it, took a look at the miniature dent on the booth and said, 'You know what? It's probably nothing much. Shall we just go about our day?'
I will live to regret this but you know what? For all the blessings that I have received, I guess life is trying to balance it out with a little bit of bad luck.
No, I am not a millionaire...not THAT kind of good luck, but I consider a lot of things good luck, really. I am a simple gal. Food in the fridge is good luck, having a job is good luck, my kids giving me free hugs every day is good luck, new shoes are good luck, not running out of ink while printing a booklet is good luck. I'm simple that way.
Maybe too simple. And stupid. I concur.
I need to de-stress this weekend.
You'll find me in my bed with a good book,