When you're a single mother with no support system, being sick sucks. It's a big deal because you're trudging along like a sick cow, everything's still got to work like a well-oiled machine while your head is somewhere between the A&E and La-La-Land. I don't like to whine but considering the fact that this is my blog and all, shuff it. But it seems that this darn bug is not going anywhere soon. Even with enough rest and pills to knock me out for days on end, the bug is still here and my head is still foggy. My neighbor walked past and cocked her eyebrows at me and simply said, ' Doctor ?' She knows I will only see a Doctor when I feel like I am either gonna die or have no other alternative because she knows my usual solutions are as follows:- I guess it's something even a good book and sleep is not going to solve. I think I gave my kids a hell of a time this morning and afternoon (with the haphazard planning and scattered ideas). Poor kid...
Blog of a freelance writer, mother, performer, blog ghost writer based in Malaysia.