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Reached Another Parenting Milestone

You know how you can see something coming but you are not prepared for it no matter how many times you repeat it to yourself? Like pregnancy and birth - you know it is going to happen sooner or later (you can't keep baby in you forever - I know because I've tried XD) but you kind of don't really want it to happen....EVER?

Yeah, it doesn't stop there, folks.

Some may not think very much about it because like Obama says, time flies and he doesn't really want to delve into the idea of letting their children go to college, and that Michelle needed to remind him that parenting is about preparing them for not needing you anymore. 

But it's not easy. Letting go and trusting your kids to know what to do is effin hard. 

It's something that will happen eventually. They will grow up, they will make their own friends, they may not invite you for a movie with their friends, they want to make their own decisions, they want to become their own brand of human being. In my friend's words....they have to find their own destinies. 

If I had it my way, my babies will remain babies forever, need me forever, will rely on me forever and I am going to be the only Queen in their lives.You might even catch yourself wailing 'STOP GROWING UP! I can't handle this, I am a puddle of emotional mess!' LOL

Tsk. I know.

It is the school holidays over here and the kids are kinda old enough to find the toilet in a packed mall, entrance and exit and decide if they want a chocolate smoothie or blueberry milkshake sans parents vulturing around. And they made a simple request to go out with their friends and just hang out together for the day.

I CAN'T say NO to that, can I?

How did I handle it? Pretty well, I think. I didn't have to swallow a million Xanax to keep calm. I didn't hang onto my phone and check for messages a hundred times to see if they are done. Maybe a few times I checked for missed calls (you think kids these days actually DIAL a smartphone to call you, eh? Nope. They Whatsapp you instead, regardless of what kind of emergency there is - they Whatsapp - what's with that, right?) but hey, that's pretty good performance on my part, if you know me at all.

But that's not all. Now Kid 2 is looking forward to HIS day of complete freedom from me too a few days down the road.

Le sigh...

Tyrant Mom,

p.s. It's good to know that I am not the only one. You can read this emotional bit written by actor Rob Lowe who battled emotionally with himself the day he sent his son off to college in this piece called 'Unprepared'.


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