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The R-word, Read Wrongly or Correctly

This one's for you Paulyne.

OK, the other day, I had to explain something about Malaysia to a Candian penpal of mine (Yes, penpal. We 'met' each other over pen and paper back in the days of postal services) on Twitter. The next thing I know, I found myself reading this article and I found myself literally laughing out loud.

This might come as a shock to people from other countries but over here, we are so used to it, we laugh. Or turn a blind eye, deaf ear and plan to migrate to another country. ASAP.

Just to take a page off of Wikipedia (I didn't say this. I only copied and pasted the following excerpt)

Racism consists of both prejudice and discrimination based in social perceptions of biological differences between peoples. It often takes the form of social actions, practices or beliefs, or political systems that consider different races to be ranked as inherently superior or inferior to each other, based on presumed shared inheritable traits, abilities, or qualities. It may also hold that members of different races should be treated differently.[1][2][3]
 Read: Different races to be ranked as inherently superior or inferior, ok?

OK, then the funny stuff.

Here in Malaysia the opposite is true, you see. If we do not see a certain race as 'core group' with special privileges based on 'history', then we might have a serious case of racism in the country.

Anyway, I am not harping on it at all because believe it or not, we are so used to it that Malaysia is currently facing a brain drain. Meaning many intellectuals who have their minds screwed on right and all their marbles together....have left the country.

That is also why opposition parties in Malaysia are fighting so hard and refuse to give up when so many Malaysians have already given up. It is written in our Federal Constitution, folks.

I've written so many times about how blase we have become about this that it doesn't even give us a shock like it should. Many things like this have happened over decades. But this is what we have. Should we do something about it and help those people with poor England (English, it is a slang) understand what Racism actually is? That we live in a country that has second, third class citizens. By the way, if I were to be really picky about things, I would be fourth class citizen of Malaysia, actually.

Poor me. LOL. Kidding. I'll just say that these things did not make us weak or anything, it has, uncannily, made us even stronger because we have been fighting against the tide all these years. Nothing handed to us, just do your thing BETTER than anyone else or die.

Anyway, this is for you, Paulyne. I am so happy for you since you have come out of the closet and are enjoying a brand new level of freedom! And that's the way it should be. That's the way many Malaysians think things should be too....about race, religion, sexual orientation...and you should be happy I am amongst those who still think you are an incredible person, enthusiastic personality who takes life by the neck, shake it till it laughs and someone who sees things on a day to day basis. Regardless of who you decide to share all the precious moments of your life with.

Is there a place for me in Canada? hahaha

Love and over and out,
See ya Wednesday,


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