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Dear China

Dear China,

I truly sympathize with you and as much as I would like to say that I 'understand' your pain, frustration and anguish, I can't honestly say it without feeling like a fraud. I wish this kind of pain on not even the worst of enemy.

I would also like to say that it is with so much joy (in the beginning) to see our officials fumble, Malaysia coming under the microscopic glare of the world, and also top authorities saying one thing, meaning another, making U-turns with their statements and then turning silent while the world's top honchos get at them. I watched with great pleasure and delight, waiting to do my bit to pound them into splinters of the tiniest kind. They have never, never, never, NEVER, NEVER had to answer to anyone in the past.

Dear China, you may not know this because you have not lived all your life being told to shut up and F off every so often. You have your own set of political problems, I know, but some of our forefathers are from China and been told to go back to China even through we can't. We Malaysians believe that we can do better than this. So, it was an opportunity for us Malaysians to see them suffer in such an International fashion, learn something from it and then progress into a better nation.

But dear China, we have crews, passengers and pilots in MH370 too. We are trying our best too. I know you want answers....but so do we.

In as far as how they are releasing information and the methods employed by the authorities, together with some of the world's most intelligent and experienced people in the world, I shall withhold my opinion because I am no expert in this.

An expert I am not. But a human I am.

I am beginning to feel the sheer burden of trying to find, put together, being sensitive to everyone who is affected without divulging too much, too fast and too negligently.

This is just my take that...perhaps, you are demanding too much. I am not saying  that your pain, frustration and anger is unwarranted. It is! It absolutely is because I would not dream of being put into such a situation. EVER.

The glee to see our top authorities come under fire in this fashion has waned off. The whole tragedy have turned insane. 26 countries are trying to work together and if 26 countries are trying their best in handling it, do you not think that Malaysian officials are already trying very hard not to F up?

I only hope for the best, China. I hope that answers will come in a timely fashion and that it won't take forever. Let's not be rash. I particularly feel sorry for Malaysia Airlines because they are stuck in the middle of somewhere hard and somewhere even harder. They do not have the information that Chinese people are asking for, the military and all those involved does.

Why crucify Malaysia Airlines this way? I am not a MAS supporter but it has been one of the safest airlines in the world for a very long time and give them a break.

China, please continue to demand for answers from the authorities but don't turn everything against us, Malaysians or the people who are working beyond their own personal limits to find your answers. Remember that the world's most intelligent people have called it a 'mystery', something totally atrocious even to our aviation experts, a loophole we never thought was there.

Please don't start burning flags, bashing the Malaysian embassy or say that Malaysians are barbarians, dishonest and incompetent. Just like those in your country, we have our hoodlums. Just like in your country, we have people who shouldn't be at the top. Just like in your country, we have people crying deep into the night from wanting answers.

I am just thankful that these amazing people from all those different countries are chipping in. Without them, I can't imagine the scale of this calamity might have become.

I am sorry we are at this juncture at all.

Thank you, International Community,
Thank you,


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