I got this from a creative writing prompt. The prompt was this - A picture on your mantle unexpectedly falls and crashes to the floor. As you go to pick it up, you notice a note hidden behind the picture. The message is from the future—and written by you. It instructs you to do something important. What does it say? My answer is this - The note from the future would read like this ‘You are beautiful. Talented. Dedicated.’ Here are some things that I want you to do. No, here are three things that I demand that you do right now, in your time. I DEMAND . Hear that? Ditch the guy. Climb a mountain. Go downtown and find homeless people. Feed them. Do it or I will find a way to F up your life right now, in the F-ing FUTURE . If you don't want to die dating a poor miser in a hut somewhere in a remote island with no money to your name and suffering from innumerable diseases, do it. Sincerely, Marsha
Blog of a freelance writer, mother, performer, blog ghost writer based in Malaysia.